Nicole Bassett, Dermalogica Expert Series: A Skin Treatment Defined
The Dermalogica approach to skin care and skin treatments has raised the bar in the industry. The focus is all about education, personalization and human touch. We see skin services as a critical aspect in achieving and maintaining healthy skin, not as a luxury. Even the way we talk about skin treatments is different, such as Skin Therapist and Skin Treatment. To us, these names reinforce the value of a professional service and the education and personalization that goes into each and every step by highly trained skin therapists. This episode gives us an inside look into skin treatments from professional Skin Therapist, Nicole Bassett. Nicole is with Hand a Stone Massage and Facial Spa in Wheaton, IL, and she has reached Dermalogica Expert status. She is also a current recipient of the 100 Hour Post Graduate Diploma from the International Dermal Institute. Nicole shares with us her professional approach to skin services, the defining difference of a Dermalogica skin treatment and her best skin care tips and advice.