Mini-Ep 193: Sunscreen Dreams
Kate and Doree hear from listeners about Doree’s athletic sunscreen struggle, what cleansers best remove sunscreen, and how to improve sleep struggles. Activity of the week: What are you reading? Let us know. (And sign up for our newsletter if you haven’t already!) To leave a voicemail or text for a future episode, reach us at 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at Visit for links to everything we mention on the show. Follow us on Twitter (@Forever35Pod) and Instagram (@Forever35Podcast) and join the Forever35 Facebook Group (Password: Serums). This week’s episode is sponsored by: STRIVECTIN - Learn more at Email subscribers receive 15% off their first order. PURPLE - Go to, and use promo code FOREVER3510. For a limited time, get 10% off any order of $200 or more! BILLIE - Go to and get your $9 starter kit today. MASTERCLASS - Visit for 15% off the Annual All-Access Pass. Betterhelp / BEST FIENDS - Download Best Fiends FREE on the Apple App Store or Google Play. That’s FRIENDS without the R – Best Fiends. Theme music by Riot. See for privacy and opt-out information.