Mini-Ep 184: Thong Song
Kate’s obsessed with a new album, Doree begins her Invisalign journey, and listeners weigh in about investing, ask what to do with tiny water bottles, and support the movement of ditching uncomfortable underwear. To leave a voicemail or text for a future episode, reach us at 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at Visit for links to everything we mention on the show. Follow us on Twitter (@Forever35Pod) and Instagram (@Forever35Podcast) and join the Forever35 Facebook Group (Password: Serums). This week’s episode is sponsored by: PHARMACA - Go to to save TWENTY PERCENT off your first order. CALM - For 40% off a Calm Premium subscription, head to PURPLE - Go to, and use promo code FOREVER3510. For a limited time, get 10% off any order of $200 or more! BETTER HELP - Get 10% off your first month with the discount code FOREVER35. Go to to get started today. THIRDLOVE - Get 20% off your first purchase when you go to Theme music by Riot. See for privacy and opt-out information.