Mini-Ep 180: Winged Guys and Under Eyes
Kate’s back to obsessing about her favorite fantasy book series, and Doree makes peace with frequent hair-washing. Then, listeners ask about face creams and sex, a new under-eye make-up trend, and post-Covid vaccination self-care. Activity of the Week: Ask yourself, "I wonder why I feel this so deeply?" To leave a voicemail or text for a future episode, reach us at 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at Visit for links to everything we mention on the show. Follow us on Twitter (@Forever35Pod) and Instagram (@Forever35Podcast) and join the Forever35 Facebook Group (Password: Serums). This week’s episode is sponsored by: ISSUU - Get started today for FREE or sign-up for a premium account and get 50% off when you go to and use promo code FOREVER35. ELF - Go to and use promo code F35 to get 25% off your e.l.f. purchase of $40 or more! CALM - For 40% off a Calm Premium subscription, head to JENNI KAYNE - Get 15% off your first order at when you use code FOREVER35 at checkout. RITUAL - For 10% off during your first three months visit FLEXFIT - Visit and use code FOREVER35 for 20% off Flex Disc Starter Kits or 10% off your first Flex Cup Theme music by Riot. See for privacy and opt-out information.