Mini-Ep 176: Aldi and All Night
Kate tries out some Sally Hansen nail products, and Doree has some thoughts about aging. Then, “Aldi Nerds” weigh in with passionate recommendations about their favorite grocery store. Plus, an Australian listener calls in about NuFace, and an expectant listener shares her fears of childbirth. To leave a voicemail or text for a future episode, reach us at 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at Visit for links to everything we mention on the show. Follow us on Twitter (@Forever35Pod) and Instagram (@Forever35Podcast) and join the Forever35 Facebook Group (Password: Serums). This week’s episode is sponsored by: ECOTOOLS - Shop the BioBlender at your local retailers and learn more at BROOKLINEN - Get 10% off your first order and free shipping when you use promo code FOREVER35, only at CALM - For 40% off a Calm Premium subscription, head to THIRDLOVE - Get 20% off your first purchase when you go to BETTER HELP - Get 10% off your first month with the discount code FOREVER35. Go to to get started today. MASTERCLASS - Visit for 15% off the Annual All-Access Pass. See for privacy and opt-out information.