Mini-Ep 103: Baby Pics and Netflix
In this mini-episode, Kate and Doree share advice on how to handle a toxic work relationship, suggest ways to keep up with overwhelming baby photos, recc some more romance books, and hear from a listener who’s embracing being single and over 40. To leave a voicemail for a future episode, call 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at This episode is sponsored by: BETTER HELP - Get 10% off your first month with the discount code FOREVER35. Go to to get started today. ATHENA CLUB - Athena Club is a better self-care routine made simple. Just go to and use promo code FOREVER35 for 15% off today! STITCH FIX - Get started today at and you'll get an extra 25% off when you keep all items in your box. DEAD MOM WALKING by Rachel Matlow - You can purchase Dead Mom Walking from your favorite audiobook retailer or visit to learn more! Theme music by Riot. See for privacy and opt-out information.