1.7: Cost Benefit Analysis
Season 1, Episode 7: "Cost Benefit Analysis"
Who benefits when Halo, Inc. throws a benefit? The rich. Well, and those who crash the benefit to steal hors d'oeuvres. And information. Information doesn't benefit. It's stolen.
VALENCE is a serialized fiction podcast meant for adult listeners. You can find more information, including our full cast list and transcripts, at VALENCEpod.com. You can support us on Patreon and get access to inspo images, bonus audio, and more.
Content warnings:
- Depictions of alcohol and food throughout
- Depictions of a panic attack from 9:18 - 10:30
- Depictions of violence from 28:00 - the end of the episode
- Our theme was made by Raul Vega,
- With guitar by Travis Reaves.
- This episode was written by Wil Williams and Katie Youmans with story consultation by [AJ Goldman] (https://twitter.com/goldenretreevee),
- With editing and sound design by Julia Schifini.
Performances by, in order of appearance:
- Josh Rubino as Liam Alden and Liam's Inner Voice,
- John Westover as Nico Salvai,
- Ishani Kanetkar as Mahira Varma,
- Jordan Cobb as Sarah Harris,
- Caleb Del Rio as Flynn Velasco,
- Giancarlo Herrera as Luis Acebo,
- Christopher Wilson as Philip Plummer,
- David Rheinstrom as the attendee,
- Alex Welch as Noel Alden,
- Noami McMillan as Morgan Reilley,
- and Julia Schifini as Hailee.
Special thanks to:
- Danielle Welch
- Evelyn Regan
- Jeff Van Dreason
- Leslie Joyce
- Phoebe Seiders
- Ryan Boelter
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