Mini-Ep 82: Follow-Ups and Follow-Throughs
Doree and Kate dole out some more dupe reccs, discuss if it's ok to send a late wedding gift, lend advice to a listener wondering how to move on after a negative email from an old friend, and share follow-up emails from two listeners featured on previous mini-eps. To leave a voicemail for a future episode, call 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at This episode is sponsored by: PRH Audio White Bird - You can purchase White Bird wherever audiobooks are sold. To learn more and to listen to audiobook clips, visit Native - For 20% off your first purchase just visit and use promo code FOREVER35 at checkout! StitchFix - Get started today at and you'll get an extra 25% off when you keep all items in your box. KiwiCo - go to to get your first month free. - Visit and use promo code F35 for a 4-week trial PLUS free postage and a digital scale. Theme music by Riot. See for privacy and opt-out information.