Mini-Ep 69: Girls Just Wanna Have Pun
Doree and Kate get some follow-ups about body acne, hear from a listener who’s finally living her best life in her 40s, discuss regional dialect differences, receive a voicemail from someone wondering how to celebrate their body, and lend advice to someone with roommate issues. To leave a voicemail for a future episode, call 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at This episode is sponsored by: Daisy Jones a The Six - You can purchase Daisy Jones a The Six from your favorite audiobook retailer or visit HelloFresh - Get $80 off your first month by going to and enter FOREVER80. TodayTix - For $10 off your first purchase, visit Pretty Litter - For $20 off your first order, visit and enter promo code FOREVER35. Daily Harvest - For $25 off your first box, visit and enter promo code FOREVER35. Theme music by Riot. See for privacy and opt-out information.