3.16: Ple's Brother
Show Notes
This week, we review and analyze Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ (機動戦士ガンダムΖΖ) episode 18 - “Haman's Black Shadow” (ハマーンの黒い影) - discuss our first impressions, and provide commentary and research on the origin of Elpeo Ple's name (pronounced ElPee Puru).
This episode comes with a content warnings - the research on the origin of Elpeo Ple's name deals with the history of simulated (ie drawn) child pornography in Japan. The topic is also discussed extensively in the talkback.
- Books and articles:
Patrick W. Galbraith, Lolicon: The Reality of 'Virtual Child Pornography' in Japan, Image & Narrative, Vol 12, No 1 (2011).
Patrick W. Galbraith, Seeking an Alternative: "Male" Shojo Fans Since the 1970s, from Shojo Across Media: Exploring "Girl" Practices in Contemporary Japan (2019).
Patrick W. Galbraith, "The lolicon guy": Some observations on researching unpopular topics in Japan, from The End of Cool Japan: Ethical, Legal, and Cultural Challenges to Japanese Popular Culture, Edited By Mark McLelland (2017).
M. Gigi Durham, The Lolita Effect: The Media Sexualization of Young Girls and What We Can Do About It, Overlook Press (2008).
Masafumi Monden, Being Alice in Japan: performing a cute, 'girlish' revolt, Japan Forum, Vol 26, No 2 (2014).
Cory Lyn Takeuchi, Regulating Lolicon: Toward Japanese Compliance with its International Legal Obligations to Ban Virtual Child Pornography, Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law, Vol 44 (2015).
Mahaseth, Harsh. (2017). The Cultural Impact of Manga on Society. SSRN Electronic Journal. Available at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332904100_The_Cultural_Impact_of_Manga_on_Society
Terasa Younker, Lolita: Dreaming, Despairing, Defying, Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs, Vol 11, No 1 (2012).
Rafael Antonio Pineda for Anime News Network, Rurouni Kenshin Creator Nobuhiro Watsuki Charged With Child Pornography Possession, November 21, 2017. Available at https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2017-11-21/rurouni-kenshin-creator-nobuhiro-watsuki-charged-with-child-pornography-possession/.124308
- Wikipedia articles for Lemon People magazine, it's competitor Manga Burikko, and The Otaku Murderer.
Mobile Suit Breakdown is written, recorded, and produced within Lenapehoking, the ancestral and unceded homeland of the Lenape, or Delaware, people. Before European settlers forced them to move west, the Lenape lived in New York City, New Jersey, and portions of New York State, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Connecticut. Lenapehoking is still the homeland of the Lenape diaspora, which includes communities living in Oklahoma, Wisconsin, and Ontario.
You can learn more about Lenapehoking, the Lenape people, and ongoing efforts to honor the relationship between the land and indigenous peoples by visiting the websites of the Delaware Tribe and the Manhattan-based Lenape Center. Listeners in the Americas and Oceania can learn more about the indigenous people of your area at https://native-land.ca/. We would like to thank The Lenape Center for guiding us in creating this living land acknowledgment.
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The intro music is WASP by Misha Dioxin, and the outro is Long Way Home by Spinning Ratio, both licensed under Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 licenses. The recap music for Season 3 is New York City (instrumental) by spinningmerkaba, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.. All music used in the podcast has been edited to fit the text.
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