Questions? Answers!
Show Notes
Our show-notes are a bit odd this week - no sources, just the text of the questions submitted to us. We have done little or no editing of them, so for the most part they are exactly as they were submitted to us.
- Thunderokami: what's your favorite Kebab?
- Rob B: You mention that the podcast is your full-time time job. How does that work financially? It's easy to see your patreon income, but I'm surprised if that's enough to live comfortably in scenic New Yark City. You don't do adverts, unless is the whole podcast a product placement for Gunpla and you're paid by Bandai?! Are there other ways to monetize a podcast?
- Toby F: How are you two related to each other, are your brother and sister, husband and wife, are you like Char and Lalah, or are you both just Haros in disguise?
- Marcus: Nina, how did you learn Japanese? Even though I live here, mine is still awful, any tips? Any chance of a spin-off podcast for those of us learning Japanese via Gundam ("Mobile Suit Language Breakdown") (Related - Marcus is starting a book club to ready Gundam Aggressor in Japanese. It’s never been translated. He’s set up the book club through the WaniKani forums, so if you’re on WaniKani you can check it out!
- LDRaku: Thom: favorite Gundam series? Nina: Favorite Gundam scene?
- Charlie G: Nina, which has been your favorite episode so far and why?
- Quinnage: For Thom: Why do you think that Gundam has had such a hard time catching on in the west compared to other large franchises from Japan and, how can this be rectified?
What’s your favorite Mobile Suit?
- Cheatobandito: If you guys could pilot any mobile suit (excluding the ball) what would it be?
- Lucas: What MS would you have liked to have more screen time of?
- Dylan: Also, if you could design a mobile suit, what color scheme would you pick? What special details or accessories would you want to have?
If you could remake Gundam…
- Fzburner: What would be your ideal Gundam series scenario/plot? And who would you have animate/direct it?
- Turlooke: If you could have any writer living or dead create a one shot Gundam story, who would you pick and why?
- Thunderokami: I have a really dumb question, cause its really out there but like, if you could have a classic animator, animate Gundam, who would you choose? Tex Avery, Walt Disney, those sort of animators.
- Thomas G: If you could have any specific studio, director, writer, or designer produce a new entry in the Gundam franchise, who would you want to be involved—and as a bonus question—what would you like that new entry to be about?
- Steve B: Nina, since you’re aware that there’s a lot more Gundam to come, what do you hope or expect you’ll see that you haven’t already? They can’t all be genre defining & refining, but they do all try to stand out. I don’t know exactly what would or wouldn’t be a spoiler, but I can vaguely say that there are certain themes that become more prominent or less prominent with the times & the occasional new idea.
Nina meets Gundam
- Quinnage: For Nina: Before beginning this project what was your impression of Gundam? Were you of the opinion that the show was nothing but "wow cool robot" with a thin plot serving only as an excuse for more fights?
- Mizzlez AKA Hobbs: Was Gundam love at first watch for you? Or did it grow on you over time? and for Nina, 1.5 seasons in, do you actually love Gundam or more the podcast itself, or does this feel like a “job” yet?
- Turlooke: This one is just for Nina: based just on the titles of the Gundam series, which (if any) have you interested in finding out what they are about?
- Dylan: For Nina: is there a series that you’ve had glimpses of that you’re looking the most forward to watching in the future?
Thom meets Gundam Again
- Thanksgenking: For Thom: how has this extensive close-reading of Gundam changed your perspective on the franchise? Are there any elements of the show that you’ve grown more appreciative of thanks to the podcast?
- Charlie W: For Thom - In your journey of watching Gundam shows, when did you first see Zeta Gundam?And how do you think your impression(s) of Zeta Gundam since that very first viewing? How have your thoughts, impressions changed most dramatically since the very first time you watched Zeta?
- Dylan: For Thom: is there a series that you’re most looking forward to watching with Nina? And are there any that you’ve missed that you’re looking forward/dreading?
- Charlie G: 2. Thom, which series are you most looking forward to reviewing? Not necessarily which is your favorite.
- Steve B: Thom, if you could break the established schedule is there any Gundam work, animated or otherwise, that you’d skip to immediately? Perhaps you’re sick of these teens with feelings and just want to watch a 20-something do punches in G Gundam. Maybe you think Char’s Deleted Affair offers valuable insights into the present mindset of Lt. Quattro. Look, I dunno, that’s why I’m asking.
- Hokage of Baltimore: Oooh wait, Thom is there any Gundam media you plan on covering you haven’t seen yet?
- The Other Tom: For Thom: Are there any series where you are considering switching to watching with the dub instead of sub?
- Lucas: Which Gundam character would you most like to interview?
- Hokage of Baltimore: If you could have any guest on the show, live or dead, who would your top 5 choices be? I figured limiting it to just 1 would make it too easy to just pick Tomino :p
Just for Fun
- Bazooka Bubblegum GM: Do you feel as though mobile suits are a realistic technology to come in the future. If not what technologies from Gundam do you see coming true in the future?
- Russ: Should Amuro and Char just be honest about their feelings and kiss already?
- MRX-010: Are gundam boys a renewable resource?
- Crimson: If you were to create a playlist themed for any Gundam character we’ve seen thus far, who would you choose, and what are some songs you would choose?
- MRX-010: Ooo I like that. What's on their personal playlists?
- Charlie G: 1. When an MS' eyes flash, do you think that is a button in the cockpit that the pilots press just to be super extra?
Going Places
- Listener (Turlooke): Are there any locations from First and Zeta Gundam you would be interested in traveling to and seeing for yourselves? And why?
- Toby F: If you could live anywhere in the Gundam universe so far where would it be?
Non-Anime Gundam
- Ian B: Have you read the novelizations of the various Gundam series? Are you planning to cover them eventually? If not, what are your thoughts?
- Michael B: Thom, how much expanded universe/Beta Cannon Gundam information (Manga, Novels, Games, Gunpla Manuals, DVD extras, etc.) will you be giving to Nina? If you are, will it be to explain extra plot, like Char's Deleted affair for in between 0079 and Zeta, and Crossbone for post F91? Or will you not say anything, due to the risk of it being adapted to anime (Like Origin, Twilight Axis, Thunderbolt, and Narrative in the last few years). How would you handle media created years after a series? For series adapted from manga, books, etc, will you cover the difference between the original work and the anime?
- Brainchild: For Thom: if you had your choice of any existing Gundam side stories (be they manga, books, or anime) to release in English, what would you pick and why? (and no, you cannot pick "all of it.")
The Podcast - Podpast
- Turlooke/KayBeckham: What is the most surprising thing you have learned while doing this Podcast? You guys do a TON of research for every episode. Which real-world facts (historical, scientific, technological, etc.) have stuck with you? Put it another way - if you were at a cocktail party, what fact would you use as a conversation starter?
- Needs more Charma: For the first: What is the sequence of events that led to you and Nina deciding to undertake MSB? Was it sudden? what was the creative process like during conception?
- Paragon: Which episode of MSB did you have the most fun making and why?
The Podcast - Podfuture
- Hokage of Baltimore: If you had to do a show like MSB on any other media franchise, which would it be and why?
- Crimson (HeirOfRage ver.ka): One of my favorite developments in the podcast is the addition of the Titans News Network- Do you have any other ideas for new “segments” for MSB, and if so, what are they?
- Michael B. For both of you, have you given any thought about what you will do if/when the podcast catches up to currently airing Gundam? Obviously this would be years away, but could be possible.
The Podcast - Process
- Sean: Given that the podcast has been going for a year, how have you talked about format changes? Which ones have happened on their own? Are there any format-related changes you’d like to make but haven’t been able to?
- UwUtype (Agile Suit Gunguy): What's your biggest criticism of your episode making process? What's your proudest improvement and hardest problem to address?
- (La Vie en) Rose: What's a research piece you've wanted to do, but you just didn't have the time or resources for it? Or what's a research piece you started, but couldn't find enough about it to fit a whole segment, so you just dropped it?
Other Media
- ActionAwesome: What is it you love most about Escaflowne? What is your favorite Guymelef?
- Hokage of Baltimore: With all the memes of 'x is a isekai'/the Twitter post Thom also shared in off topic. Would you label any non-Gundam series as a Gundam series? If so what's the most ridiculous answer you can logically defend
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The intro music is WASP by Misha Dioxin, and the outro is Long Way Home by Spinning Ratio, both licensed under Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license. Both have been edited for length.
Mobile Suit Breakdown provides critical commentary and is protected by the Fair Use clause of the United States Copyright law. Gundam content is copyright and/or trademark of Sunrise Inc., Bandai, Sotsu Agency, or its original creator. Mobile Suit Breakdown is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Sunrise, Bandai, Sotsu, or any of their subsidiaries, employees, or associates and makes no claim to own Gundam or any of the copyrights or trademarks related to it.
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