1.33: 1.33a - No Family, No Homeland

Show Notes

This week, we recap, review, and analyze Mobile Suit Gundam episode 40/39 "Lalah's Dilemma" (エルメスのララ) and 41/40 "A Cosmic Glow" (光る宇宙), discuss our first impressions, and provide commentary and research on: Hermes - why might Lalah’s mobile armor be named for the Greek god, and why did the translators decide to call the エルメス Elmeth instead, J-type missiles, and some of the odd place names and vocabulary from these episodes.


- Ovid's Metamorphoses, which contain the story of Hermes defeating Argus Panoptes and freeing Io.

- Wiki page about Io.

- General information about Hermes.

- Books and articles that discuss Hermes in the context of Jungian psychology:

Merritt, Dennis L., Ph.D. Jung and the Greening of Psychology and Education. Oregon Friends of C. G. Jung Newsletter, Vol. 6, Issue 1, Oct. 1996-Jan. 1997, pp. 9, 12, 13. http://www.dennismerrittjungiananalyst.com/Jung_and_Greening.htm

Miller, Jeffrey C. The Transcendent Function. State University of New York Press, 2004.

McNeely, Deldon Anne. Mercury Rising: Women, Evil, and the Trickster Gods. Fisher King Press, 2011.

- About Mercury's/Hermes' hat, the Petasos.

- Searchable Japanese trademark database (where we looked up "エルメス").

- Wiki pages on torpedoes generally, the PGM-19 Jupiter, the JL-1, the Jericho missile, the J-600T (Thunderbolt), the Mark 6 exploder, the Mark 15 torpedo, the Type 93 torpedo, and the Kaiten manned torpedoes.

- Breakdown of different Japanese torpedoes.

- Quora discussion about the Type 93.

- Several articles about the mighty Type 93.

- And one book:

Burke, Torpedoes and their Impact on Naval Warfare, Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division, 2017, https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/1033484.pdf

- Definition and etymology of "mahal" from Oxford Living Dictionaries, Wiktionary, and Merriam-Webster.

- About Gujarati, the language in which (according the Google translate, so take with a grain of salt) "Gel Dorva" means "drawing gale."

- Possible inspirations in the names "Durva" and "Darva."

- A place or places called "Buttsham" or "Butts Ham" mentioned in: Sessional papers from the House of Commons, Records from the English Place-Name Society, Alphabetical List of Populated Places Derived from the Census of Scotland, and papers of the Surrey Archeological Society.

- Tonderu/とんでる/翔んでる definition from a translation dictionary.

- Tonderu/とんでる/翔んでる definition from a Japanese-language search.

- Online discussion (in Japanese) of the word Tonderu/とんでる/翔んでる, its meaning, and its nuances.

- The poem in the memorial is The Swan by F.S. Flint.

- The music in the memorial is "Stars Collide (Instrumental Version)," from Josh Woodward's album, "Breadcrumbs." (in this episode, song edited for time)

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The intro music is WASP by Misha Dioxin, and the outro is Long Way Home by Spinning Ratio, both licensed under Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license. Both have been edited for length.

Mobile Suit Breakdown provides critical commentary and is protected by the Fair Use clause of the United States Copyright law. All Gundam content is copyright and/or trademark of Sunrise Inc., Bandai, or its original creator. Mobile Suit Breakdown is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Sunrise Inc. or Bandai or any of its subsidiaries, employees, or associates and makes no claim to own Gundam or any of the copyrights or trademarks related to it.

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