Weezer vs. Tropical F*** Storm (feat. Lizzie Killian)
Lizzie Killian (FIFTYcc, chiptune rock band The Glowing Stars, formerly of Zynga, Humble Bundle, GamesRadar & more) joins this Weez-tastic episode of CrossFade!
Something about “Pinkerton” caught Lizzie’s ear in high school. Maybe it was the rough production, disarmingly vulnerable lyrics, or just the solid solos – whatever it was, it quickly became one of her favorite albums ever. She even named her own band, The Glowing Stars, after a lyric from the track “Falling For You.”
Matt’s pick, “A Laughing Death in Meatspace” by Australian psych rock band Tropical Fuck Storm, engages with the modern world in a way that doesn’t feel cheesy. It touches on politics, imperialism, class divide, human obsolescence, and more on top of unique, beautifully crunchy synth-and-overdrive textures.
Follow Lizzie on Twitter at https://twitter.com/lizziekillian/ and find her work at https://www.fiftycc.net/
Listen to Lizzie’s chiptune rock band, The Glowing Stars at https://theglowingstars.bandcamp.com/ and wherever you get music
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Listen to the CrossFade Community Playlist of our community’s favorite music: https://spoti.fi/3aRRgox
To jump to a particular discussion, check out the timestamps below…
00:00 - Weezer vs. Tropical Fuck Storm (feat. Lizzie Killian)
4:02 - Weezer - “Pinkerton”
8:25 - “Tired of Sex”
12:49 - “Why Bother?”
14:37 - “The Good Life”
20:39 - “Across The Sea”
26:41 - “El Scorcho”
31:40 - “Falling For You”
35:48 - “Butterfly”
39:11 - Considering Weezer’s trajectory
43:23 - Tropical Fuck Storm - “A Laughing Death in Meatspace”
47:04 - “Shellfish Toxin”
52:47 - “You Let My Tyres Down”
58:38 - “Chameleon Paint”
1:00:41 - “The Future of History”
1:05:56 - “Soft Power”
1:13:36 - “A Laughing Death in Meatspace”
1:20:49 - Community Questions - Ranking Weezer, George Harrison vs. ABBA, misheard lyrics, video game PR
1:49:57 - Hop Along - “Sister Cities” (suggested by MinnMax supporter Drew Masciarelli)