Girl Talk vs. Prince Paul (Anniversary Episode feat. Ben Hanson)
CrossFade turned 1 last month and we couldn’t be more pleased with how it’s been received! To celebrate, we welcomed the guest from our very first episode back to the show: MinnMax founder Ben Hanson (!
In a weird way, Ben’s pick (Girl Talk’s “Feed the Animals”) reminds us of CrossFade itself – unorthodox pairings that always dig up something new – but moreover, it’s an album he goes back to both for “dumb fun” and to marvel at the editorial decisions made to mash up well-loved classics and obscure references.
There’s a Shakespearean tragedy at the heart of Prince Paul’s “A Prince Among Thieves,” but that doesn’t stop it from getting a little silly at times. Matt chose it because it felt like a midway point between Nas’s “Illmatic” and the Hamilton soundtrack – both episodes Ben was previously on! (That clever fella.) Even if you’ve never heard of the people on it, it’s worth a spin as an audio story with solid bars and nasty production throughout.
Some really fun questions from the CrossFade community get us talking about our MLB walk up songs, misleading band names, our nostalgia binge music, and why more people don’t admit “The Beatles” is kind of a dumb name.
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Listen to the CrossFade Community Playlist of our community’s favorite music:
To jump to a particular discussion, check out the timestamps below…
8:00 - Why Ben picked “Feed the Animals”
10:16 - “Play Your Part (Pt. 1)”
20:32 - “Still Here”
23:12 - “Shut The Club Down”
26:14 - “Set It Off”
27:22 - “What It’s All About”
28:31 - “Like This”
30:27 - “In Step”
35:18 - “Hands In The Air”
36:51 - “Here’s The Thing”
39:08 - “Give Me A Beat”
45:36 - “Play Your Part (Pt. 2)”
49:24 - Prince Paul - “A Prince Among Thieves”
55:07 - “How It All Started”
56:27 - “Steady Slobbin’”
59:14 - “What U Got - The Demo”
1:03:04 - “The Call”
1:04:20 - “The Other Line”
1:07:12 - “Weapon World”
1:08:46 - “My Big Chance”
1:10:01 - “Macula’s Theory”
1:11:33 - “Mr. Large”
1:14:16 - “The Men In Blue”
1:17:38 - “Handle Your Time”
1:21:22 - “Showdown”
1:23:04 - “You Got Shot”
1:25:24 - “Every Beginning Must Have an Ending”
1:27:08 - “The New Joint - DJ’s Delite”
1:28:04 - “A Prince Among Thieves”
1:38:05 - Community Questions - Nostalgia binges, drums or vox?, unfortunate band names, walk up songs & more
2:02:12 - Weyes Blood - “Movies” (suggested by MinnMax supporter Levi Francom)