The Afghan Whigs vs. Beulah (feat. Jeff Cork)
Is it ‘90s in here or is it just me? Jeff Cork (BetterQuest, Game Informer) brings his beloved Beulah record, “When Your Heartstrings Break,” to CrossFade’s doorstep and Matt responds with The Afghan Whigs’s “Black Love.” Both albums are appropriately fueled by angst – sometimes about masculinity, sometimes about insecurity, and sometimes about the Civil War – and they’re full of incredible moments we couldn’t wait to dig into. Community questions get us talkin’ Foreigner, bad album covers, written album reviews, and more before we head down a paranoid path with crooner Tom Waits for our outro song (thanks, MinnMax supporter Michael Lynch!).
To jump to a particular discussion, check out the timestamps below…
9:30 - “Score From Augusta”
14:50 - “Sunday Under Glass”
20:05 - “Matter vs. Space”
22:40 - “Calm Go the Wild Seas”
26:25 - “Emma Blowgun’s Last Stand”
30:30 - “Warmer”
34:15 - “If We Can Land a Man on the Moon, Surely I Can Win Your Heart”
40:55 - “Aristocratic Swells”
57:27 - “My Enemy”
1:00:40 - “Double Day”
1:05:06 - “Step into the Light”
1:09:20 - “Blame, Etc.”
1:13:40 - “Night by Candlelight”
1:15:15 - “Summer’s Kiss”
1:20:40 - “Honky’s Ladder”
1:25:35 - “Faded”
1:41:35 - Community questions
1:51:54 - Foreigner - “Urgent”
1:54:17 - Foreigner - “Hot Blooded”
2:03:17 - Community song (“What’s He Building?” by Tom Waits, suggested by MinnMax supporter Michael Lynch)
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