Metallica vs. Lucy Dacus
The producer has become the product! Jason hops in the guest seat for a lesson in shreddin’ with Metallica’s “Master of Puppets” while Matt sinks into Lucy Dacus’s introspective “Historian”. It’s one of the more out-of-whack pairings we’ve heard on CrossFade, but it’s worth it to learn what you miss when you risk writing off an entire artist based on their genre. How would Metallica have been different if Cliff Burton hadn’t passed suddenly? What’s the worst we’ve been hurt at a show? Just how important is speaker quality when listening to music? All that AND a patron-picked song in our community segment!
To jump to a particular discussion, check out the timestamps below…
10:11 - “Night Shift”
17:26 - “Addictions”
24:56 - “Nonbeliever”
32:07 - “The Shell”
37:22 - “Timefighter”
42:40 - “Pillar of Truth”
59:20 - “Battery”
1:08:14 - “Master of Puppets”
1:16:47 - “The Thing That Should Not Be”
1:20:55 - “Welcome Home (Sanitarium)”
1:24:40 - “Disposable Heroes”
1:26:42 - “Orion”
1:31:33 - “Damage, Inc.”
1:38:02 - Community questions
2:01:55 - Community song (“Golden” by berhana, suggested by MinnMax supporter Thom Blackburn)
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