Yo La Tengo vs. Other Lives (feat. Paul Charchian)
One of Matt’s formative college records versus a 2020 release? Only on MinnTrax! Special guest Paul Charchian (Guillotine Leagues, Video Games Weekly, and more) almost didn’t bring Other Lives’s “For Their Love” to the table, but we’re glad he did – it’s a densely-arranged indie pop classic at only six months old (and maybe also a subliminal message about the band being a group of vampires). Yo La Tengo’s “I Can Hear the Heart Beating as One,” on the other hand, was a shoo-in for Matt, who used to wander the UMN campus to its understated rock vibes. After the discussion, we field a few questions from the MinnMax community, touching on albums we think would make good game concepts, our favorite concert films, and music that defined the cultures we grew up in. Thanks for the great questions and song suggestions, everyone!
To jump to a particular discussion, check out the timestamps below…
7:15 - “We Wait”
11:30 - “Sound of Violence”
16:20 - “Lost Day”
22:25 - “All Eyes - For Their Love”
32:40 - “Dead Language”
36:13 - “Nites Out”
40:25 - “Hey Hey I”
53:45 - “Moby Octopad”
58:30 - “Little Honda”
1:01:50 - “Sugarcube”
1:06:10 - “Autumn Sweater”
1:11:55 - “Green Arrow”
1:13:43 - “One PM Again”
1:14:34 - “The Lie and How We Told It”
1:18:35 - “Center of Gravity”
1:20:50 - “Return to Hot Chicken”
1:22:50 - “Stockholm Syndrome”
1:30:25 - “Spec Bebop”
1:33:49 - Community questions
1:39:09 - Anna von Hausswolff - “Ugly and Vengeful”
1:47:40 - Community song (“Leaving Eden” by Carolina Chocolate Drops, suggested by MinnMax supporter Tim Lorow)
Follow Paul Charchain on Twitter at @PaulCharchian and GuillotineLeagues.com
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MinnTrax Episode Playlist: https://spoti.fi/2vgqfvK
MinnTrax Community Playlist: https://spoti.fi/3aRRgox