Pink Floyd vs. Eyedea & Abilities (feat. Justice Harrison)
Mortality, humanity, and mental health struggles loom large over this episode’s MinnTrax albums: “By the Throat” from Minneapolis hip-hop duo Eyedea & Abilities and “Dark Side of the Moon” by classic English psych rockers Pink Floyd. They’re both really well-constructed albums that are fun to listen to in very different ways and for very different moods. Just how different is part of our discussion with Justice Harrison (Skybound Entertainment)! Our community-led segment is full of fun talk about bands we pigeonholed for some reason, favorite video game soundtracks, and if Kanye was better “before he became a genius.” Thanks to MinnMax supporter CalebMurray for suggesting this episode’s outro song!
To jump to a particular discussion, check out the timestamps below…
11:45 - “Hay Fever”
18:25 - “Spin Cycle”
23:50 - “Sky Diver”
31:45 - Eyedea vs. Brother Ali rap battle
33:40 - “Factory”
40:05 - “Junk”
43:35 - “Time Flies When You Have a Gun”
49:55 - “This Story”
58:20 - “Speak to Me”/”Breathe”
1:05:25 - “Brain Damage”
1:10:40 - “Money”
1:17:00 - “On the Run”/”Time”
1:30:20 - “The Great Gig in the Sky”
1:34:25 - “Us and Them”
1:41:55 - “Eclipse”
1:45:17 - Community questions
2:10:20 - Community song (“Crows” by The Delta Saints, suggested by MinnMax supporter CalebMurray)
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