"Star Spangled Banner"-1983 (Proof-Positive that Marvin Gaye is [fill in the blank praise] That There EVER Was)
The Star Spangled Banner was written in 1814. Today, that makes the song 205 years old. On February 13, 1983 at the NBA all-star game, when Marvin Gaye "Marvin Gaye-nized" the song, it was, let's call it ONLY, 169 years old. Does its being ONLY 169 vs. today's 205 years old matter? No, and here's why, because no one has ever done it like that before, since, never will, and will NEVER top it. So now we get into some factual territory for [explicit language descriptives that I have no choice but to use when it comes to describing MARVIN GAYE-listen to the previous episode] who Marvin Gaye was as a human being on this planet! He has left behind a mark that catapults him into the classification "That There EVER Was." Examples: The Greatest Singer "That There EVER Was." The most gifted musical artist, the most creative, the most unique. These statements become proof-positive facts based on this legendary performance, ALONE! Let alone his ENTIRE body of work, that is no where near connected to THIS song!!! But I love that Marvin gave us the breakdown to the facts via The Star Spangled Banner. What? WHAT could be MORE Marvin Gaye? Stick around with this series as we discuss just that.
Our youtube channel "Marvin Gaye Music & Podcast" allows that EVERY podcast episode song is available, so of course the video of this once-in-a-planet-moment is posted there. Along with many more rare tv performances, documentaries, interviews, concerts, and most important the DEPTH of Marvin Gaye's musical catalog. Please check it out, subscribe (so youtube understands the value of the channel which will help it become widely visible), and ENJOY!!
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