"Inner City Blues"-Marvin Gaye's 1971 (What's Going On) The BIRTH of "Marvin Groove"
In this episode we explore Marvin Gaye's song "Inner City Blues," his conclusion to his masterpiece, work of art "What's Going On." This song is a brand new, beginning, change, fresh start. It is Marvin unleashing on us "Marvin Groove." This is a phrase I coined in episode 1 of this podcast series: "There's Groove, and then there's MARVIN GROOVE." Folks I go all the way in this episode getting to the point of THE headline that will be the thread throughout ALL episodes to come: Marvin Gaye is the baddest Mother (Shut your mouth) that there ever was. That means of all time, ever. Of all preceding, of all during his time, and carrying thru to this day, with no peer. I just couldn't avoid needing to establish that in this episode because I can't WAIT to fully paint my picture around this in every episode going forward. With this song, is it not the GROOVIEST (to coin it as Marvin would), most original, and thorough example of making a change, starting anew, and doing it with complete mastery. From note one Marvin is building us from scratch, and in real time, a totally new sound that he owns, claims, and puts on us from this point forward with no mercy, and with an expertise that just needs to be the theme song to life for any threshold, fork in the road, on the verge of a new beginning experience you may face; and where you could use that encouragement to OWN IT! Play this song for your build-up and to give you that boost to go for it!
Please visit our PInterest page which is full of some very hard and fun work I'm putting in to capture all of the beautiful and relevant imagery I can find, of our revered subject: Marvin Gaye. It really is my goal for you to be able to see (and hear, via many videos I'm finding) for yourself, relevant references I make in these episodes. I've got 1000+ pictures & videos of rare television and concert performances, documentaries, and even the two MOVIES that Marvin Gaye made!! You can find us at: https://www.pinterest.com/marvingaye_enduring_gifts/