Ep 26: "Everyone Disappeared". On Friendship in Heartbreak + Grief
Interviewing 5 friends who had walked through miscarriage, divorce, loss of a child, called off wedding, loss of a parent – it was heartbreaking the theme that emerged. One in which we as friends, panicked. Got awkward. Didn’t know what to do, so we did nothing. Thanks to their stories though, now we know what to do. We’re empowered and emboldened to love well. Everyone said “people disappeared”. No one said “people did it wrong”. So now we know simply to show up. Here’s 6 ways how: BE PRESENT: Just be there, physically, quietly, simply a shoulder to cry on and someone to hug. LET THERE BE GRIEF: Don’t try to coach them out of it, fix it, let it be as uncomfortable as it is. STAY PRESENT: Keep checking in. Days, weeks, months, years. Card, text, flowers, call. TAKE ACTION: Clean their house, get the bills paid, delivery groceries, book a massage. KEEP STAYING PRESENT: Still invite them to things, even when they decline, they’re thought of + can ease in when ready. ALWAYS STAY SENSITIVE: Translation, don’t be rude. (makes sense in the episode) A few of the lovely women I mention:@NoraBorealis Mcinerny teaches on grief while being hilarious @AshleyKLemieux has a pinned IG Story with the story of losing their children @TheOilyCottage shares about miscarriage + her rainbow baby amidst grief @Jennifer.Kem shared wisdom + brings it throughout her life @LindsayLetters.co + her husband are teaching a masterclass in grief with their daughter’s traumatic brain injury*** Have you walked through grief? Or been a friend through it? Please chime in on today’s Instagram post @HilaryRushford. We can all benefit from your wisdom. ***What hard or light topic would you love to hear shared on next? Leave a voice memo or email at HilaryRushford.com/podvip.