Episode 395 | 20 Podcasts We Like
Show Notes
In this episode of Startups For The Rest Of Us, Rob and Mike talk about the 20 podcasts they listen to. They separate the podcasts into three categories, bootstrapping, startups/business, and off topic/entertainment.
Items mentioned in this episode:
Podcasts mentioned:
- The Art of Product
- Build Your SaaS
- Bootstrapped Web
- Founder's Journey
- Hooked on Product
- RogueStartups
- The Tropical MBA
- Indie Hackers
- ZenFounder
- This Week in Startups
- Startup
- Akimbo
- Stacking Benjamins
- Money For The Rest Of Us
- Planet Money
- Reply All
- Daily Tech Headlines
- Current Geek
- 99% Invisible
- System Mastery