Coffee Break 002: Mad Like Alyce
Episode 002: Mad Like Alyce Welcome to another episode of Coffee Break! This week, I'm talking to lifestyle blogger Mad Like Alyce, who offers a special focus on living a healthier life with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and chronic pain. This is a great podcast episode for any writer who has a blog or is thinking about starting a blog! In our conversation, Alyce a I talk about the importance of selecting a niche for your blog without letting it confine or label you, how to draw inspiration from other bloggers while maintaining your own voice, how much time to spend writing a post vs. how much value it provides to your readers, and so much more. Alyce is not only a writer but a tech geek like myself, and so you'll also get some tips on starting your blog on a shoestring budget, using Google Analytics to understand and grow your blog traffic, and finding the right blogging platform. I hope you enjoy it. Visit Alyce's blog. You'll find Alyce online at, where she blogs about living a happier and healthier life with PTSD and chronic pain. She also offers fun lifestyle features highlighting new music, fashion, recipes, and more. Check it out. Interested in Coffee Break? I'm always looking for exciting people to showcase with casual conversations about creativity, writing, and work/life balance. Send me an email at hello [at] sarahwerner [dot] com or contact me if you're interested in a guest appearance. Receive riveting weekly emails from me. Find out all of the latest haps when you sign up for my email newsletter! I promise I won't spam you. :) Subscribe to Coffee Break (and Write Now). You can listen to the full Coffee Break episode using the controls at the beginning of this post. Or! You can listen and subscribe using your favorite app/website/podcatcher: Help support this podcast! gg I'm on social media. Connect with the Write Now and Coffee Break podcasts on your favorite social media platform(s): Twitter | Facebook | Ello | Google+ | Pinterest | Tumblr The post Coffee Break: Mad Like Alyce appeared first on The Write Now Podcast with Sarah Werner.