BONUS! Jules a Sarah, Word Hatred, Hypochondria a Swimsuits
It's a Friday bonus episode! Jo Elvin has one of her besties in the podcupboard: tanning superstar Jules Von Hep, and Heat Radio DJ Sarah Powell, aka the dream team behind Jules and Sarah The Podcast. And speaking of Sarahs, one has won our spot prize this week! iTunes reviewer sarahpaddock87, send your details to While Jules spills the T on having seen every major celebrity you can think of in tiny paper pants, the trio tackle some pre-tty deep stuff: so is it OK to hate certain words? Is it OK to be a hypochondriac? And is it OK to really loathe swimsuits? Tweet us your topics and comments for the podcast @glamourmaguk using the hashtag #HeyItsOK. Episode edited by Kat Brown with music by Martin Austwick. Check out Jules and Sarah The Podcast today for a guest appearance by Jo, and get more GLAMOUR on, or by searching GLAMOUR UK. Have a great weekend! See for privacy and opt-out information.