Who Stole your Pension? Ft. SEC Whistleblower Ted Siedle
Ted Siedle is a renowned attorney who has done well-over $1 trillion dollars worth of investigations into retirement plans. He famously collected the largest whistleblower awards in the history of the SEC and CFTC with both $48M and $30M respectively. He also recently co-authored a wonderful and insightful book with Rich Dad founder Robert Kiyosaki called 'Who Stole My Pension". Ted was kind enough to join Paul Gray from IronHold Capital this week and speak in regards to how pensions are being looted by Wall St. and money managers alike. Find out how your pension is being stolen and what you can do to stop it before it's too late! Ted Siedle - https://www.linkedin.com/in/edward-siedle-48643718 Who Stole My Pension Book - https://www.amazon.com/Who-Stole-My-Pension-Looting/dp/1612681034 Benchmark Financial Services - http://www.benchmarkalert.com/