CMP Special 13 Lughnasadh 2009

Celtic Lughnasadh and another story from our Scottish Shanachie, Duncan We've been away for nearly 6 weeks now. Unbelievably, with all of the ups and downs that life throws at you, we're still here! We're back - and to make up for our absence we bring you the biggest Celtic Myth Podshow Special ever - again!! It's just over an hour and a half long! If you like to listen to the show while commuting, it might be an idea to split it up into two halves. If you stop just after our visit to see Duncan, you'll be all set for the story in the last half. The Lughnasadh show has six wonderful pieces of music, a dreamy story, a poem and a beautifully sung version of that poem. We've also got a section about the festival of Lughnasadh from The Religion of the Ancient Celts by J. A. McCulloch. Full show notes, details and Contributor pages over at our main Website at Running Order: Intro 0:41 News a Views 2:05 At the Edge of the Cornish Sea by David Helfand 3:11 Lughnasadh from Religion of the Ancient Celts 6:12 Middleton Moor by Kiss the Mistress 15:19 Autumn by Francis Ledwidge 21:40 Black Dog of Loneliness by Orient XPress 23:31 The Shadow of Old Dreams by Andy Guthrie 28:07 Rowan a Bracken by Odd's Bodkin 33:01 Nami's Trees by Keith Wilson 37:18 Autumn by Linda Ballew 1:11:06 Listener Feedback - Deb 1:13:28 Celtic Language Podcasts, Pt.1 1:15:20 Scottish Gaelic 1:15:43 Welsh 1:18:20 Cornish 1:20:05 Lughnasadh Dance by Damh the Bard 1:21:36 Celtic Language Podcasts, Pt.2 1:26:40 Irish Gaelic 1:26:56 Breton 1:30:10 Well Below the Valley by Omnia 1:31:36 Outtakes 1:36:42 We hope you enjoy it! Gary a Ruthie x x Released: 19th Sep 2009, 1hr 40m We love hearing from you! Email, or call us using Speakpipe News a Views We say hello to all of our online friends, especially those on Facebook and Twitter and send out a huge welcome to the new people joining us from Myspace. Welcome all! We inform our listeners about the wonderful video interview with Ruthie taken by our friend, Paul Newman (catch up with Paul on Bandcamp). Paul has had a recent bereavement and we send our love out to him.   At the Edge of the Cornish Sea by David Helfand David Helfand composes and performs original and traditional music on Celtic Harp, mandocello, guitar, keyboards and percussion. Many of David's compositions were born through improvisation and drawn on the inspiration found in the power of music from many wondrous cultures. "As I returned from my maiden voyage from the land of Britain full of awe, unspeakable joy and deep reservoirs of inspiration, slowly the music started to speak. From the high craggy cliffs where the ruins of Tintagel castle lay overlooking the dark waters off Cornwall's shore, to the ancient majestic ruins of Glastonbury Abbey and the dark mysteries of the Tower of London, the swirling maze of the city's streets and the magic of the standing stones on Salisbury Plain, I swam deep in the waters of imagination. Shortly after returning home and embarking on creating "At the Edge of the Cornish Sea", I soon shared with the world, dark grief and immense sadness as the two towers crumbled to the earth creating its deep grave of shattered lives and dreams. What once seemed important became insignificant against the dark clouds of sorrow." You can find out more about David on his website or on our Contributor Page.   Lughnasadh Scant records remain of the ancient Celtic religion, beyond some eleventh- and twelfth-century written material from the Irish Celts and the great Welsh document Mabinogion. This classic study by a distinguished scholar, first published in 1911, builds not only upon the valuable hints supplied by the surviving texts but also upon the still-extant folk customs derived from the rituals of the old cults. A masterly and extremely readable survey, it offers a reconstruction of the essentials of Celtic paganism. The Celt is portrayed as a seeker after God who links himself by strong ties to the unseen, eagerly attempting to conquer the unknown by religious rite and magic art. The earliest aspect of Celtic religion lies in the culture of nature spirits and of life manifested in nature, and this book offers fascinating glimpses into primitive forms of worship, depicting Celtic rites centred on rivers and wells, trees and plants, and animals. The Druids maintained an optimistic view of the afterlife, and the author presents the subject from the comparative point of view, drawing upon evidence from Celtic burial mounds to elaborate upon ancient beliefs and customs related to the culture of the dead, including rites of rebirth and transmigration. Unabridged republication of the edition published by Constable and Company Limited, 1911.Project Gutenberg With gratitude for music provided by Anne Roos   Middleton Moor by Kiss the Mistress Kiss The Mistress was formed 18 months ago and in that time has moved from folk club floor spots to main act bookings. Their debut CD About Time, released on the 20th March 2009 is already receiving rave reviews and their CD launch at the famous Cambridge Folk Club a fantastic night, attended and enjoyed greatly by an appreciative audience who had traveled from across the Eastern region to attend. You can find out more details about Kiss The Mistress on their website or on their Contributor Page on our website.   Autumn by Francis Ledwidge Francis Ledwidge, the Irish nationalist and poet, was born in Slane on 19 August 1887 the son of a poor labourer. Leaving school at the age of 14 he worked in various manual labour positions while developing a love for and honing his own poetical talents. It was in 1911 that Ledwidge first received notable recognition for his poetry. Having sent a collection of his poems to well-known author Lord Dunsany he received a favourable response, Dunsany assuming the role of mentor to Ledwidge, introducing him to the Dublin literary scene. Although possessing moderate Irish nationalist views Ledwidge nevertheless signed up with the British Army - the Irish Volunteers in October 1914 - to serve in France and Flanders during World War One, on the basis that it was unreasonable to expect others to fight for the freedoms that he would later enjoy. Despite his initial reluctance to enlist he nevertheless argued that his service with the British during World War One was in no way incompatible with his nationalist views: rather, he believed he was furthering the cause of Irish independence from Britain.   Black Dog of Loneliness by Orient XPress Orient Xpress is a transCaucasian Indie Guitar band with Azeri passion, Irish soul, Essex Blag, Polish spirit, and a whole heap of loveliness. The sort of band that a 15yo crazy will love but his mum will too (from their Myspace page). You can find out more about Orient Xpress on their Contributor Page.   The Shadow of Old Dreams by Andy Guthrie We are incredibly privileged to have Andy as a Contributor to the show. He tells stories that are alive in his family today and that have come down through the ages. He says: The old Legends are a passion and a Joy, and the writings of Fiona Macleod are inspiration, in all I do. I have been a Head gardener of 31 years for large house, and sill working, I see the years come and go from spring to winner, and love it all. I retell the old stories. You can read more about Andy on his Myspace page or on our Contributor Page.   Rowan a Bracken by Odd's Bodkin Odd's Bodkin is a trio comprised of Kenny Klein, Anna Klein, and Stephanie Rosalyn Mitchell, performing Celtic-Gypsy-Pagan-Sea Shanty music at ren faires, Pagan events, and other venues. Their music ranges from serious to whacky, and their shows are a bit unpredictable. Original and Traditional British Isles, Celtic, and Gypsy music, Sea Shanties, Ballads and Weird Songs. Our new CD is available now on our other website, on this site, or at the Southern California Renaissance Faire and our other tour venues. You can find out more about Odd's Bodkin on their website or our Contributor Page.   Nami's Trees by Keith Wilson Keith’s spiritual and musical paths seemed to somehow converge in Ireland, the homeland of his pre-revolutionary war American ancestors. Several of his previous band’s most memorable performance experiences, in which the audience connection could only be described as magical, took place in Dublin. He will return to Dublin for his first solo acoustic performance (as Saint Narcissus) at Eamonn Doran’s on August 14, 2009. In the intervening years, Keith has re-discovered his Celtic roots in Ireland as well as his new-found spiritual roots in their ancient Christian practices. Through immersion in research of many things Celtic, his writing continues to be heavily informed, inspired, and influenced by the world of Celtic myth and reality. You can find out more details about Keith on his Contributor Page on our website.   Autumn by Linda (Mum) Ballew Ruthie's Mum sent us a beautifully sung version of Francis Ledwidge's poem Autumn in a superb coincidence for the season. We are so very proud of her version and hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Linda spends her time helping others with a type of healing called 'Laughter Yoga'. You can find out more about this form of healing at the website. She tells us that times are USA 6am, UK 11am - twenty minutes or so - US 1 712-423-3900 , Uk 001 712-432-2900 pin for both - 607 1292 # only Long Distance charges may apply. 365 days a year plus special occasions upon request. Birthdays, anniversaries, rites of passage, pagan and Christian rites - no charge but notice is needed for preparation. August SHE'LL come at dusky first of day, White over yellow harvest's song. Upon her dewy rainbow way She shall be beautiful and strong. The lidless eye of noon shall spray Tan on her ankles in the hay, Shall kiss her brown the whole day long. I'll know her in the windrows, tall Above the crickets of the hay. I'll know her when her odd eyes fall, One May-blue, one November-grey. I'll watch her from the red barn wall Take down her rusty scythe, and call, And I will follow her away.   Listener Feedback from Deb in Kentucky We read a wonderful message from Deb from the Hudson Valley, NY.   Celtic Language Podcasts 1 - Scottish Gaelic One Minute Gaelic One Minute Gaelic provides an introduction to basic Gaelic. With this course you will not become fluent, but you will acquire a range of useful expressions which you can use while on a trip to a Gaelic-speaking part of Scotland. Your efforts are guaranteed to make a good impression on people you meet. The phrases included in this course have been specially chosen to help the learner make fast progress on the basics of Gaelic, with each new episode building on previously-learned knowledge. You can find the podcast on iTunes, catch it with this Feed, or from the Radio Lingua website, Radio Lingua.   Gaelcast Welcome to Gaelcast, where programs filled with news, interviews, stories, music and more in Scottish Gaelic and English will be podcast every other week. Gaelcast was founded by three people who have been involved in journalism, technology and Gaelic-language activities in the United States for many years: Mike MacKay, Ed Bradshaw and William (Liam) Cassidy. Mike and Liam, who have learned Gaelic, often may be heard as foreign commentators on BBC Radio nan Gaidheal in Scotland. Liam and Ed also are involved in music, performing in the band known as Na Maragan. Our aim is to produce audio programs that will be interest Gaelic speakers learners and native speakers wherever they may be in the wide world. You can find the podcast on iTunes, catch it with this Feed, or from the Gaelcast website.   Letter to Gaelic Learners Letter to Gaelic Learners is informative, educational and interesting. A special programme, in the form of a 'letter', specifically aimed at Gaelic learners who already haver some knowledge of the language. The text and audio file for Roddy Maclean's "Letter to Gaelic Learners" is available here each Friday afternoon. Listen while you read by clicking the listen icon on the Alba website. You can find the podcast on iTunes, catch it with this Feed, or from the Alba website.   Little Letter to Gaelic Learners Little Letter to Gaelic Learners is a simple letter for established Gaelic learners. Roddy Maclean has created this letter for learners who have progressed beyond basic learning, but find the Litir do Luchd-ionnsachaidh (Letter to Gaelic Learners) too advanced. Accompanying text is available in both English and Gaelic. Listen while you read by clicking the listen icon on the Alba website. You can find the podcast on iTunes, catch it with this Feed, or from the Alba website.   - Welsh Learn Welsh Podcast A podcast to help people learn to speak the Welsh language in a fun and simple way. The Learn Welsh podcast is designed tgo teach you conversdational Welsh that will help you to underestand other Weklsh speakers and to be understood yourself. You can find the podcast on iTunes, catch it with this Feed, or from the Learn Welsh Podcast website.   Say Something in Welsh (Southern) SaySomethingInWelsh is a new, simpler and faster way to learn Welsh. You don’t need to read or write or do any revision – you just start speaking normally and naturally from the very beginning. But we don’t expect you to take our word for it! You can find the podcast on iTunes, or from the Say Something in Welsh website.   Say Something in Welsh (Northern) SaySomethingInWelsh is a new, simpler and faster way to learn Welsh. You don’t need to read or write or do any revision – you just start speaking normally and naturally from the very beginning. But we don’t expect you to take our word for it! You can find the podcast on iTunes, or from the Say Something in Welsh website.   - Cornish Radio an Gernewegva Podkast yn Kernewek gans Mathew Clark. A podcast in the Cornish language. You can find the podcast on iTunes, or from the Radio an Gernewegva website.   Lughnasadh Dance by Damh the Bard Damh is a modern-day Bard whose spirituality, and love of folk tradition, is expressed through his music, storytelling and poetry. Drawing on the Bardic traditions his performances are both entertaining and educational, weaving a tapestry of myth, peace, and anthems that speak directly to the heart, but never without a good splash of humour. Listen to this amazing song, originally written and performed by Gwydion Pendderwen. He released his first album, Songs for the Old Religion, in 1975, followed by a book of his music and lyrics titled Wheel of the Year in 1979. His second album, The Faery Shaman, was released in 1982. Both albums and the songbook were well-received by the Pagan community; the songbook included many songs which became classics within the community, and the two albums have since been collected as a two-CD set titled The Music of Gwydion, available from Serpentine Music. Gwydion also served for a time as a court bard to the West Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism. You can find Damh's music on iTunes, or from his website, Pagan Music. He is also the voice behind Druidcast, the official podcast of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD, for short) - modern day Druids. You can find Druidcast here and find out more about OBOD here. You can find out more details about Damh on his Contributor Page on our website.   Celtic Language Podcasts 2 - Irish Gaelic One Minute Irish One Minute Irish provides an introduction to basic Irish, or Gaeilge. With this course you will not become fluent, but you will acquire a range of useful expressions which you can use while on a trip to an Gaelic-speaking area of Ireland. Your efforts are guaranteed to make a good impression on people you meet. The phrases included in this course have been specially chosen to help the learner make fast progress on the basics of Irish, with each new episode building on previously-learned knowledge. You can find the podcast on iTunes, catch it with this Feed, or from the Radio Lingua website, Radio Lingua.   Rí - Rá Weekly Irish lessons for kids or beginners in a fun and easy to learn format. Brought to you by the creators of, online and interactive irish lessons for kids. Sadly, we could only find three episodes of this fine show. You can find the podcast on iTunes, or with the Feed address, or from the Rí - Rá website.   Blás Is é atá sa phodchraoladh seo ná míreanna ó chláracha Gaeilge BBC Raidió Uladh. Is é Blas príomhchlár Gaeilge an stáisiún, a chraoltar Luan, Máirt, Déardaoin agus Aoine á chur I láthair ag Lynette Fay, Tomaí Ó Conghaile is Brian Mullen. I rith Chraobhann Iomána agus Peile na hÉireann, tugann an clár An Domhnach Mór deis do lucht tacaíochta agus díograise na gcluichí a dtuairimí féin a nochtadh ina leith. Rogha míreanna ó na cláracha seo ar fad atá sa phodchraoladh. Bain sult as! You can find the podcast on iTunes, or with the Feed address, or from the Blás website.   An tImeall The original Irish language podcast begun in July 2005. You can find the podcast on iTunes, or with the Feed address, or from the An tImeall website.   Lá Irish language news and politics podcast. You can find the podcast on iTunes, or from the Lá website.   An Líonra Sóisialta Irish language news and politics podcast. You can find the podcast on iTunes, or catch the Feed, or from the An Líonra Sóisialta website.   - Breton Keleier ar gwia A tech podcast in the breton language. You can find the podcast on iTunes, or catch the Feed, or from the Keleier ar gwiad website.   RCF Rivages: Buhez Activities and culture in the Breton language. You can find the podcast on iTunes, or catch the Feed, or from the Keleier ar gwiad website.   Well Below the Valley by Omnia With eight CDs and a DVD to their name, OMNIA is one of the pioneers of the "PaganFolk" movement in Europe and has harvested international acclaim on many Pagan, Folk, Medieval, Gothic and Fantasy festivals, as well as in many theatres. OMNIA's sound is a mix of the deep earthy tones of Luka Aubri-Krieger's didgeridoo, the incomparable harp, hurdy-gurdy and bodhran playing of Jennifer Evans-van der Harten, the unmistakable "DADGAD" guitar-groove of Joe Hennon, the flutes, bouzouki, drums, and ironic dialogue of front man Steve "Sic" Evans-van der Harten and the deep tribal drumbeats of Mich Rozek. All of this is entwined and bound by haunting and powerful vocals singing in English, Gaelic, Breton, Latin, Finnish, German and Hindi... You can find out more details about Omnia on their Contributor Page on our website.   Get EXTRA content in the Celtic Myth Podshow App for iOS, Android a Windows Contact Us:You can leave us a message by using the SpeakpipeEmail us at: fan-page,Twitter (@CelticMythShow) or Snapchat (@garyandruth),Pinterest (celticmythshow) or Instagram (celticmythshow)   Help Spread the Word:Please also consider leaving us a rating, a review and subscribing in iTunes or 'Liking' our Facebook page at as it helps let people discover our show - thank you :) If you've enjoyed the show, would you mind sharing it on Twitter please? Click here to post a tweet! Ways to subscribe to the Celtic Myth Podshow: Click here to subscribe via iTunes Click here to subscribe via RSS Click here to subscribe via Stitcher Special Thanks Tavola Rustica, for selections from all albums used during the Nami's Trees story. See the Contributor Page for details.   For incidental music: Diane Arkenstone The Secret Garden. See the Contributor Page for details. Kim Robertson, Angels in Disguise. See the Contributor Page for more details. Jigger, Time Ticks Away. See the Contributor Page for more details.   For our Theme Music: The Skylark and Haghole, the brilliant Culann's Hounds. See their Contributor page for details. Additional Sources OBOD And, of course, the Awen - inspiration and imagination!   Extra Special Thanks for Unrestricted Access to Wonderful Music (in Alphabetic order) Anne Roos Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of her masterful music to Anne Roos. You can find out more about Anne on her website or on her Contributor page. Caera Extra Special thanks go for permission to any of her evocative harping and Gaelic singing to Caera. You can find out more about Caera on her website or on her Contributor Page. Celia Extra Special Thanks go for permission to use any of her wonderful music to Celia Farran. You can find out more about Celia on her website or on her Contributor Page. Damh the Bard Extra Special thanks go to Damh the Bard for his permission to use any of his music on the Show. You can find out more about Damh (Dave) on his website or on his Contributor page. The Dolmen Extra Special thanks also go to The Dolmen, for their permission to use any of their fantastic Celtic Folk/Rock music on the Show. You can find out more about The Dolmen on their website or on our Contributor page. Keltoria Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of their inspired music to Keltoria. You can find out more about Keltoria on their website or on their Contributor page. Kevin Skinner Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of his superb music to Kevin Skinner. You can find out more about Kevin on his website or on his Contributor page. Phil Thornton Extra Special Thanks go for permission to use any of his astounding ambient music to the Sonic Sorcerer himself, Phil Thornton. You can find out more about Phil on his website or on his Contributor Page. S.J. Tucker Extra Special thanks go to Sooj for her permission to use any of her superb music. You can find out more about Sooj on her website or on her Contributor page. Spiral Dance Extra Special thanks go for permission to use Adrienne and the band to use any of their music in the show. You can find out more about Spiral Dance on their website or on their Contributor page. SaveWe finish off by wishing you 'Hwyl Fawr', which is Welsh for 'Goodbye and have fun'!     Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save

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