CMP Special 11 Beltane 2009

The Fox, Celtic Music and the history of Beltane It's Beltane and we all love Beltane, don't we? We go wild in this show with not four, but five great pieces of music, a fascinating question and answer session about Beltane, another trip to the Dragon's Head for a story from our resident Scottish Shannachie and an excerpt from Arlene Radasky's superb Celtic novel, The Fox. We also tell you the results of the poll we ran to see which Celtic Myth stories you would like us to cover after the Irish stories. This is not an episode to be missed! Full show notes, details and Contributor pages over at our main Website at Running Order: Intro 0:40 News a Views 1:18 Rocks of Rodel by Kiss The Mistress 3:19 Beltane: Its History and Modern Celebration by Rowan Moonstone 8:03 Banks of Newfoundland by Bote 17:36 Ivor and the White Adder by Andy Guthrie 24:30 The Celtic World Revisited by Cindy Spear 30:58 Lovern from The Fox by Arlene Radasky 34:14 Jack in the Green by Todd Alan 53:44 Listener Feedback - Liz, Dave, Paulette 58:01 Green and Grey by Damh the Bard 1:02:49 Promo - Form Letter Rejection Theater 1:13:03 Promo - The Geek Witch Podcast 1:15:15 Outtakes 1:16:15 We hope you enjoy it! Gary a Ruthie x x Released: 28th Sep 2009, 1hr 22m Send us your feedback - we love it! Email, or call us using Speakpipe News a Views We announce that the website poll has come to a close. We have been running a poll to find out which direction you would like us to take the show in the future - would you like us to continue with Irish Mythology, move on to Welsh Mythology, Arthurian or one of the other strains of Celtic Mythology? We are so really privileged that you have answered with your mouse clicks and we have had 985 votes! Wow, thank you so much. To confirm the results - 3rd Place - Arthurian Myth with 19% of the votes 2nd Place - The Ulster Cycle with 36.1% of the votes 1st Place - Welsh Mythology with 37.9% of the votes So after this Irish Mythological Cycle draws to a close, we will start to present Welsh Mythology for you. We also announced that we have responded to requests from Listeners to produce an online shop, where items carrying the CMP logo can be bought. You can find the shop on Cafe Press or from the Non-profit Shop link in the menu to the left. We have set this up with no profit margin - the price you see is the price Cafe Press charge.   Rocks of Rodel by Kiss The Mistress Kiss The Mistress was formed 18 months ago and in that time has moved from folk club floor spots to main act bookings. Their debut CD About Time, released on the 20th March 2009 is already receiving rave reviews and their CD launch at the famous Cambridge Folk Club a fantastic night, attended and enjoyed greatly by an appreciative audience who had traveled from across the Eastern region to attend. You can find out more details about Kiss The Mistress on their website or on their Contributor Page on our website.   Beltane: Its History and Modern Celebration by Rowan Moonstone You'll find the original article for this question and answer session on Sacred Texts.   Banks of Newfoundland by Bote Bote is a group of 4, sometimes 5, musicians who are striving to bring the maritime sea shanty scene to the southern USA where it is relatively unheard of. We play anything from original numbers about the ocean, love, heartache, or just plain good times, to the traditional folk tunes of the Celtic nations that focus primarily on the salt sea. We have a set list of over 30 songs we play live and selected the best 15 songs for our first album. Whether you're a Celtic music fan or not there is still something for your ears in Work and Worry. Whether it's the funky acoustic pop "All Day Long" or the Bob Dyaln-esque "Whiskey in the Jar", to the harder rocking "Drunken Sailor" or "Star of the County Down", there is more than just irish pub music to be heard here.You can find out more about Bote on their Contributor Page.   Ivor and the White Adder by Andy Guthrie We are incredibly privileged to have Andy as a Contributor to the show. He tells stories that are alive in his family today and that have come down through the ages. He says: The old Legends are a passion and a Joy, and the writings of Fiona Macleod are inspiration, in all I do. I have been a Head gardener of 31 years for large house, and sill working, I see the years come and go from spring to winner, and love it all. I retell the old stories. You can read more about Andy on his Myspace page or on our Contributor Page.   The Celtic World Revisited by Cindy Spear This poem was inspired by the journey of the Celts. Of course, the place for me of greatest interest is Ireland where many Celts landed. I have included a photo I took in N. Ireland of a very mystical place where there were circles of stones and other interesting rock formations. Published in The New Brunswick Reader July 1, ’95. Read on CBC Radio with Iona’s "The Search" January 9, ’96. Copyright - ’95 - Cindy Spear To find out more about Cindy Spear go to her website or visit her Contributor Page.   Lovern from 'The Fox' by Arlene Radasky The Fox is a historical novel that contains adventure, ancient Celtic beliefs, sacrifice, love of family, ancient and modern culture, and divorce. Have you ever wondered who your ancestors were? How did they live? How did they die? Most of us do. Genealogy is a huge business. Curiosity about our bloodlines, our past, makes us want to go back as far as possible. But, genealogy can only go back as far as there are written records. What if you had a chance to find a connection to ancient roots? To someone who lived two thousand years ago? Proof you could touch and hold in your hand Aine Macrea has that chance. She is the archaeologist who is on the search for a vision. Jahna has come to her and lead her to discoveries. In The Fox, you will follow the lives of Jahna and Lovern, two people who lived in what is now Scotland, during the time of the invading Romans. The Romans threatened Jahna and Lovern, their clan and most importantly, the life of their child. They struggled to find a way to stop the coming invasion and in doing so, left traces of their lives. Aine is working to rebuild her career and is led by instinct, or a vision (or is it a ghost?) to a hilltop in Scotland. Follow their stories in her podcast novel The Fox, you can also buy this book at Amazon. Find out more about Arlene on her Contributor Page.   Jack in the Green by Todd Alan For me in this life, music is something I have learned to do. I have such strong feelings about the earth and our environment that I am using one thing I know to help spread the word about our need to re-balance our connection to our planet earth. My hope is that hearing this music might inspire some people to become more active in healing ourselves and our planet. Earth Changes was years in the making. I have been singing about for our Mother Earth since the mid- eighties. After a decade of touring and performing, I have spent most of my last 10 years building and helping form a nature-based landed intentional community on 620 acres in Southern Ohio called Wisteria. Here, I have connected deeper to my family and the land. In the last few years as the consciousness about global warming has risen, I felt inspired to create music again. Recently, I finished my new CD entitled Earth Changes. I mainly want this music to inspire people. I am giving away songs (free downloads) and CDs to help raise awareness. I am hoping that this music will help spread the word about the dangers of Global Warming and the need to protect our precious planet. To find out more about Todd Alan go to his website or visit his Contributor Page.   Listener Feedback Liz, Dave, Paulette We are lucky to have received all audio feedback for this episode. We play a message from Liz who asks about books for her seven year-old son on Celtic Mythology. We found the following titles: Celtic Tales a Legends by Nicola Baxter, Armadillo Books, ISBN 1843224275, Amazon Tales from Old Ireland by Malachy Doyle, Barefoot Books, ISBN 1846862410, Amazon We also play feedback from Dave from Sacramento and Stephen from South Florida. We also play a lovely piece sent to us by Paulette Jaxton from the Form Letter Rejection Theater podcast and play a promo below. Lastly we talk about the difference in the seasons for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and introduce Geek Witch and play Tahlea's promo. We mention Stephen's comprehensive list of Celtic Music played ion podcasts and you can find it here. You can find out more details about Damh on his Contributor Page on our website.   Green and Grey by Damh the Bard Damh is a modern-day Bard whose spirituality, and love of folk tradition, is expressed through his music, storytelling and poetry. Drawing on the Bardic traditions his performances are both entertaining and educational, weaving a tapestry of myth, peace, and anthems that speak directly to the heart, but never without a good splash of humour. You can find Damh's music on iTunes, or from his website, Pagan Music. He is also the voice behind Druidcast, the official podcast of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD, for short) - modern day Druids. You can find Druidcast here and find out more about OBOD here.   Promo - Form Letter Rejection Theater Paulette Jaxton   Form Letter Rejection Theatre, with Paulette Jaxton, is described as a monthly audio anthology of previously unpublished short speculative fiction. The show has four episodes available now and Gary's favourite story is Divine Fire - which is a work of fantasy. In it a young woman must choose between the expedient path she has chosen for her own survival and a more dangerous one she has long since left behind.     Promo - The Geek Witch Podcast Tahlea Moonwater The Geek Witch Podcast Tahlea Moonwater is a 21 year old Wiccan who has identified as Pagan for 9-10 years, and been actively studying and practising Wicca for 5-6 years. Tahlea identifies her personal path as “Solitary Eclectic Wicca”. She indulges in the study of Wicca and Witchcraft, as well as other Occult topics. Whilst mostly being a solitary practitioner and focusing with community online, Tahlea has been increasingly involved with her local Pagan community, starting up her own networking site for Pagans in Tasmania, as well as joining the Tasmanian Pagan Alliance, Inc. and becoming quite involved with the organisation through revamping their website, attending two moots per month, and the submission of a regular ‘Internet Interest’ column to the TPA’s quarterly newsletter. Additionally, she is the Australian Columnist at The Pagan Activist.   Get EXTRA content in the Celtic Myth Podshow App for iOS, Android a Windows Contact Us:You can leave us a message by using the SpeakpipeEmail us at: fan-page,Twitter (@CelticMythShow) or Snapchat (@garyandruth),Pinterest (celticmythshow) or Instagram (celticmythshow)   Help Spread the Word:Please also consider leaving us a rating, a review and subscribing in iTunes or 'Liking' our Facebook page at as it helps let people discover our show - thank you :) If you've enjoyed the show, would you mind sharing it on Twitter please? Click here to post a tweet! Ways to subscribe to the Celtic Myth Podshow: Click here to subscribe via iTunes Click here to subscribe via RSS Click here to subscribe via Stitcher Special Thanks Maya Filipic, Stories from Emona IV from Between Two Worlds. See the Contributor Page for details. Silence, Larmes from L'Autre Endroit. See the Contributor Page for more details. Prydein, Emi's Jig from Film'O Graf. See the Contributor Page for more details. Brian Boru Irish Pipe Band, Steam Train to Malaig from Brian Boru Irish Pipe Band 40th Anniversary. See the Contributor Page for more details. Seraphic Panoply, Inner Space from Soundtrack EP. See the Contributor Page for more details. Daniel Bautista, caleidoscopic. See the Contributor Page for more details. Avel Glas, Suite Vannetaise from Vent Bleu. See the Contributor Page page for more details.   For incidental music: Diane Arkenstone The Secret Garden. See the Contributor Page for details. Kim Robertson, Angels in Disguise. See the Contributor Page for more details. Jigger, Time Ticks Away. See the Contributor Page for more details.   For our Theme Music: The Skylark and Haghole, the brilliant Culann's Hounds. See their Contributor page for details. Additional Sources OBOD And, of course, the Awen - inspiration and imagination!   Extra Special Thanks for Unrestricted Access to Wonderful Music (in Alphabetic order) Anne Roos Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of her masterful music to Anne Roos. You can find out more about Anne on her website or on her Contributor page. Caera Extra Special thanks go for permission to any of her evocative harping and Gaelic singing to Caera. You can find out more about Caera on her website or on her Contributor Page. Celia Extra Special Thanks go for permission to use any of her wonderful music to Celia Farran. You can find out more about Celia on her website or on her Contributor Page. Damh the Bard Extra Special thanks go to Damh the Bard for his permission to use any of his music on the Show. You can find out more about Damh (Dave) on his website or on his Contributor page. The Dolmen Extra Special thanks also go to The Dolmen, for their permission to use any of their fantastic Celtic Folk/Rock music on the Show. You can find out more about The Dolmen on their website or on our Contributor page. Keltoria Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of their inspired music to Keltoria. You can find out more about Keltoria on their website or on their Contributor page. Kevin Skinner Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of his superb music to Kevin Skinner. You can find out more about Kevin on his website or on his Contributor page. Phil Thornton Extra Special Thanks go for permission to use any of his astounding ambient music to the Sonic Sorcerer himself, Phil Thornton. You can find out more about Phil on his website or on his Contributor Page. S.J. Tucker Extra Special thanks go to Sooj for her permission to use any of her superb music. You can find out more about Sooj on her website or on her Contributor page. Spiral Dance Extra Special thanks go for permission to use Adrienne and the band to use any of their music in the show. You can find out more about Spiral Dance on their website or on their Contributor page.   Save Save Save Save Save Save Save   Save

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