CMP003 The Rule of Bres the Beautiful
Bres is elected King over the Tuatha De Danaan and has a very eventful reign! It's always great to hear from you! Email, or call us on Speakpipe Show Summary: The Battle of Magh Tuireadh is over and after Nuada is seriously injured and Bres gets elected to be King over the Tuatha De Danaan. His reign, however, does not go exactly well. We hear of how the Dagda is treated and learn about the mysterious origin of Bres. Bres then turns to an unexpected source for allies. This episode is the 3rd episode of the Irish Book of Invasions. More resources over at our main Website at http://celticmythpodshow.comShow Summary: Running Order: Intro 0:36 News a Views 1:15 Story 2:24 Listener Feedback - Damh the Bard 22:43 All the credits for this episode can be found in our show-notes at We hope you enjoy it! Gary a Ruthie x x x News a Views We welcome St Patrick's Day for Ireland on March 15th. We also talk about the new Fiction list on the site, as well as the Character biographies. (The biographies have since been abadonned in favour of the excellent work done by Mary Jones). The Rule of Bres the Beautiful - Episode 3 of the Irish Mythological Cycle and Part 3 of the Book of Invasions Names Used in this Story Listed in order of appearance Rath Connachta Tailltiu Coill Cuan Eochaid Sreng Fir Bolg Tuatha De Danaan Cesair Fintan Partholon Fomori Tuan Nemed Fomor Gann Sengann Samhain Toree, Tory Fir Domnan Gaileanga Magh Mor Erc Eithne Balor Cian Diancecht Temhair Bres, Eochaid Bres Eriu Danu Nechtan Findgoll Findemas Ogma Dagda Kath Brese Cridenbel Aengus Mac Og Cairbre Etain Nuada Argat-lamh Miach Airmed Delbaeth Elatha Maeth Sceni Locations mentioned in this story Listener Feedback We had an answer to Ruthie's question about the Welsh Red Dragon from Damh the Bard. Thank you Damh! We also mention that Damh is the host of Druidcast. We had a second email from George in Peru. Thank you so much for your amazing email. Voice Feedback We're very proud to bring you our first voice feedback from Erin from Columbus, Ohio. Thank you so much for your awesome feedback Erin. Sources used in this Episode Timeless Myths Lebor Gabala The Irish Tradition The Second Battle of Moytura Lebor Gabala Erenn Cairpre''s Satire Reign of Bres Expulsion of Bres And, of course, the Awen - inspiration and imagination! Special Thanks For voice acting: Edward, our son. For incidental music: Diane Arkenstone, The Secret Garden . See the Contributor page for details. Kim Robertson, Angels in Disguise . See the Contributor page for details. Time Ticks Away by Jigger. See their Contributor Page for details. For our Theme Music The Skylark and Haghole, the brilliant Culann's Hounds. See their Contributor page for details. Extra Special Thanks for Unrestricted Access to Wonderful Music (in Alphabetic order) Anne Roos Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of her masterful music to Anne Roos. You can find out more about Anne on her website or on her Contributor page. Caera Extra Special thanks go for permission to any of her evocative harping and Gaelic singing to Caera. You can find out more about Caera on her website or on her Contributor Page. Celia Extra Special Thanks go for permission to use any of her wonderful music to Celia Farran. You can find out more about Celia on her website or on her Contributor Page. Damh the Bard Extra Special thanks go to Damh the Bard for his permission to use any of his music on the Show. You can find out more about Damh (Dave) on his website or on his Contributor page. The Dolmen Extra Special thanks also go to The Dolmen, for their permission to use any of their fantastic Celtic Folk/Rock music on the Show. You can find out more about The Dolmen on their website or on our Contributor page. Keltoria Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of their inspired music to Keltoria. You can find out more about Keltoria on their website or on their Contributor page. Kevin Skinner Extra Special thanks go for permission to use any of his superb music to Kevin Skinner. You can find out more about Kevin on his website or on his Contributor page. Phil Thornton Extra Special Thanks go for permission to use any of his astounding ambient music to the Sonic Sorcerer himself, Phil Thornton. You can find out more about Phil on his website or on his Contributor Page. S.J. Tucker Extra Special thanks go to Sooj for her permission to use any of her superb music. You can find out more about Sooj on her website or on her Contributor page. Spiral Dance Extra Special thanks go for permission to use Adrienne and the band to use any of their music in the show. You can find out more about Spiral Dance on their website or on their Contributor page. We'd like to wish you 'Slán Go Foill!', which is Irish for 'Goodbye', or more literally 'Wishing you safety for a while'! 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