ISBW #514: How to do long term goals
So I tried hard to get a better format, and screw it up immediately by saying it's episode 513. Sigh. We talk about the music of Devo Spice, who gives permission for my before- and after- stream music, and I very clumsily recommend his song Spider Verses. Speaking of music, I also talk about Loser by Garfunkel a Oates. This version edits the F-bombs. About goals- remember that you want to make goals you can keep under your control. "Want to write the next Star Wars novel," not under your control. "Want to write a book by end of year," yes. "Sign with dream agent," can't control, but "research and query many agents," yes. I bring up 24 Hour Plays, where I queried to see if they'd like a writer (under my control), and never heard anything back (not under my control.) I did everything I could, so I'm happy with that. I'm supporting Duke Children's Hospital through Extra Life! If you want to help support, I'd appreciate it! My Twitch schedule: Mondays: 12:30 AMA Tuesdays: 12:30 Live ISBW Thursdays: 12:30 Live ISBW* 8:00 pm Gaming* Sundays: 2pm Gaming *out of town August 27-29, no streaming. August 20, 2020 -- Copyright 2020, Mur Lafferty -- BY-NC-SA 3.5 License --