Windows and .NET with Chris Sells and Amruta Gulanikar

Today Amruta Gulanikar and Chris Sells, experts from the Windows and .NET community and part of the Google Cloud team, join your cohosts Francesc and Mark to discuss why you should run your Windows and .NET work loads on Google Cloud.

About Amruta Gulanikar

Prior to joining Google Amruta spent 5+ years as a PM in the Office division at Microsoft working on many different products. Just before she left, she worked on launching a new service and supporting apps - “O365 Planner” which offers people a simple and visual way to organize teamwork.

At Google, Amruta owns Windows on GCE which includes support for premium OS & Microsoft Server product images, platform improvements to support Windows workloads on GCE.

About Chris Sells

Before joining Google, Chris was a contributing member of the Windows developer community for more than 20 years, including 8 years at Microsoft. He’s written a number of books in this area and still maintains a blog that he started in 1995 about his various technical adventures, although he’s more active on Twitter these days.

At Google, Chris is the Lead PM for Cloud Developer Tools, which includes driving our tooling and libraries efforts around Windows and .NET.

Cool thing of the week
  • 15 Awesome things you probably didn’t know about Google BigQuery blog post
  • A Google SRE explores GitHub reliability with BigQuery blog post
  • Windows on Google Cloud Platform docs
  • Windows on Google Compute Engine docs
  • .NET on Google Cloud Platfom docs
  • SQL Server on Google Cloud Platform docs
  • Windows RDP: Remoted Desktop Protocol wikipedia
  • Running .NET applications on Linux with Mono blog
  • .NET core runtime docs
  • Announcing Docker Container Platform for Windows Server 2016 Docker
  • Update on Kubernetes for Windows Server Containers blog post
  • Powershell docs
  • PowerShell is open sourced and is available on Linux announcement

Google Cloud Platform is a first class Windows cloud

Question of the week

How can I diagnose and understand a problem that only occurs in production? - Stackdriver Debugger is now GA announcement

Were will we be?

Francesc finally released one more episode of justforfunc, and now everything is ready before he goes to Brazil next month for GopherCon Brasil and GCPNext Brazil.

Mark will be at GAMEACON in Atlantic City on October 28th. He will then attend Unite, the Unity conference in Los Angeles, CA on November 1st.

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