Borg and Kubernetes with John Wilkes
Today we have the incredible honor to interview John Wilkes, Principle Engineer at Google and co-author of the Borg paper, about the history of Borg and how Kubernetes came to be.
And guess what, Mark is very excited! Francesc is excited too, though.
About John
John Wilkes has been at Google since 2008, where he is working on cluster management and infrastructure services. Before that, he spent a long time at HP Labs, becoming an HP and ACM Fellow in 2002. He is interested in far too many aspects of distributed systems, but a recurring theme has been technologies that allow systems to manage themselves.
In his spare time he continues, stubbornly, trying to learn how to blow glass.
Cool things of the week
- New Regions coming in 2017 announcement
- Mumbai, Singapore, Sydney, Northern Virginia, São Paulo, London, Finland and Frankfurt — and there are more regions to be announced next year.
- Bringing Pokémon GO to life on Google Cloud blog
- And many other cool things from Horizons here
- Cluster management at Google with Borg - dotScale 2015 - John Wilkes YouTube
- Large-scale cluster management at Google with Borg Google research
- Bazel: Google’s own build tool
- Site Reliability Engineering SRE Book
- SLO: Service Level Objective Wikipedia
- The Chubby Lock Service for Loosely-Coupled Distributed Systems Google Research
- DiRT: Weathering the Unexpected ACM
- Kubernetes homepage
- Docker homepage
- Paxos algorithm and etcd

Question of the week
Installing Application Default Credentials locally docs
$ gcloud beta auth application-default login
Were will we be?
Francesc is today be in New York running a Go workshop on October 5th, and then he’ll do a similar meetup this time online. He also will be speaking on Thursday at GDG NYC.