Cloud Endpoints with Dan Ciruli and Sepehr Ebrahimzadeh
Google Cloud Endpoints has recently been rereleased and Dan Ciruli and Sep Ebrahimzadeh join us this episode to tell your cohosts Mark and Francesc everything there is to know about it.
About Dan
Dan Ciruli is a product manager at Google who works on Cloud Endpoints and API infrastructure. He used to play a lot of ultimate when he had knees and write a lot of software when he had time. He’ll try to speak Spanish to you if you give him a chance.
About Sepehr
Sepehr (Sep) Ebrahimzadeh is a Technical Lead software engineer at Google who works on Cloud Endpoints and API infrastructure. Jack of all trades, master of none! Sepehr is passionate about APIs and Cloud Computing. He has previously contributed to Google’s Compute Engine and Deployment Manager products as well as Amazon’s EC2.
Cool things of the week
- Apache Kafka for GCP users: connectors for Pub/Sub, Dataflow and BigQuery Big Data blog
- Google Cloud Endpoints homepage
- Google Cloud Endpoints docs
- Open API Initiative
- Google Service Management docs
- Google Service Control docs

- gRPC gateway: gRPC to JSON proxy generator GitHub
- Authentication with GitKit, Firebase Auth, Auth0
Question of the week
Access the Google Cloud Metadata service from App Engine with the Google Compute API