PHP with Terry Ryan and Brent Shaffer
This week, Terry Ryan and Brent Shaffer join Francesc and guest host Chris Broadfoot to talk all about PHP on Google Cloud Platform
About Terry
Terry Ryan is a Developer Advocate for the Google Cloud Platform team. He has 15 years of experience working with the web - both front end and back. He is passionate about web standards and wants to bring web developers to the Google Cloud Platform. Before Google, he worked for Adobe and the Wharton School of Business.
He also wrote Driving Technical Change for Pragmatic Bookshelf, a book that arms technology professionals with the tools to convince reluctant co-workers to adopt new tools and technology.
About Brent
Brent Shaffer is a Developer Programs Engineer at Google who is involved primarily in the Open Source world of PHP and Ruby. His most notable Open Source contribution is the OAuth2 server for PHP, and his favorite OpenSource project is the Symfony framework. Outside of work, he loves mountaineering and playing folk music in a band.
Cool thing of the week
- Preemptible VMs now up to 33% cheaper blog
- PHP on Google Cloud Platform docs
- PHP App Engine Getting Started docs
- Run PHP on Compute Engine docs
- Create a Guestbook with Redis and PHP on Container Engine docs
- Quick Start WordPress for Google App Engine github
- How to Run Symfony Hello World on App Engine docs github
- Docker images for running PHP applications on the App Engine Flexible Runtime github
- Cloud Launcher LAMP Stack launcher
Question of the week
How do I load balance WebSocket connection with a Google Cloud Load Balancer?