Site Reliability Engineering with Paul Newson
Paul Newson is back to the podcast to tell us about his experience as an SRE, or Site Reliability Engineer. They keep Google and Google Cloud running and he explains to your cohosts Francesc and Mark how they make that happen.
About Paul
Paul currently is going through a six month rotation as a Software Reliability Engineer, previously he focused on helping developers harness the power of Google Cloud Platform to solve their big data problems. Before that, he was an engineer on Google Cloud Storage.
Before joining Google, Paul founded a startup which was acquired by Microsoft, where he worked on DirectX, Xbox, Xbox Live, and Forza Motorsport, before spending time working on machine learning problems at Microsoft Research.
Cool thing of the week
- Introducing Cloud Natural Language API, Speech API open beta and our West Coast region expansion blog
- What is ‘Site Reliability Engineering’? Interview

- Google Cloud Platform opens its first West Coast region TechCrunch
- Site Reliability Engineering Book
- Go Programming Language Homepage
- Keys to SRE - SREcon14 YouTube
- Adventures in SRE-land: Welcome to Google Mission Control blog
Question of the week
- How Kubernetes Updates Work on GKE blog
Were will we be?
- Francesc is working on a video series justforfunc
- Mark will be at PAX DEV in Seattle and then Strange Loop in St Louis