9: Making the Most of On-Campus Recruiting

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Looking to make a good impression when recruiters come your way? 


Today's episode is all about navigating on-campus recruiting and career fairs to create a memorable impression.


Destination of this Journey:

- Create a lasting impression during on-campus recruiting events

- Approach 3 different on-campus recruiting scenarios with confidence


Want more help with your actuarial journey? 

  1. FREE ONLINE COURSE: Business Skills for Actuaries (Click Link or Text "SKILLS" to 33-444): a completely free full-length course with videos, worksheets, tools, and community all geared to help your get your entry-level actuarial job and start your actuarial career.
  2. FREE ONLINE COURSE: Entry-Level Actuarial Job Course (Click Link or Text "ACTUARY" to 33-444): a completely free full-length course with videos, worksheets, tools, and community all geared to help your get your entry-level actuarial job and start your actuarial career.
  3. Free Video Series: Achieving your Ideal Work Life Balance (Click Link or Text "AJEXAM" to 33-444)!: This free video series will show you the step-by-step process to create you own Personalized Study Roadmap and design your Study Lifestyle
  4. Get the Today's Show Highlights and FREE and INSTANT ACCESS to any Videos, Worksheets, and tools that accompany this episode.

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