Cold, Cold Glamping (NSFW)

Tim’s tired from a long day of doing podcasts and sweeping up hair. Also, he’s learned how to properly wash hair and is putting his newly found skill to great use! Seriously: Check out Mary Todd Hairdressing Company in Cabbagetown. Glamping near Asheville, NC is not only fun, it’s really fun. Asheville is a cool, hip city way up in the mountains of Western North Carolina. Known for its many breweries, its international cuisine, and now, for it’s glamorous camping! Tim and his girlfriend stayed in an old Airstream & spent a few days wandering around the town. Tim & Jeff talk about camping in the winter time and shooting .22s during Boy Scout summer camp. Ira went to camp with Seth Green. Happy Father’s Day! We countdown our personal, top 5 TV dads. This Week in TV That We Like, Jeff got Doug Benson with high, Paul Stanley shows up, old movie talk and Staff Picks! Staff Picks - Tim: ‘O.J.: Made in America’ (ESPN), Steph: ‘Roadies’ (Showtime), Jeff: ‘The Last Ship’ Season 3 (TNT), Ira: Terry Gross’ ‘Fresh Air’ podcast featuring recent appearances by The Lonely Island and Mike Judge. We wind up reading and rating some of your iTunes reviews and goofing around. Keep it Canon! #GameOfThrones, #Outcast, #Preacher, #AMC, #Glamping, #Airstream, #Barbershop, #Asheville, #FathersDay, #Orlando, #TheLastShip, #OJMadeInAmerica, #Roadies, #FreshAir, #TerryGross, #DougBenson, #BoyScouts

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