An Interview with Emma D. Dryden | Writing for Children 147
AN INTERVIEW WITH EMMA D. DRYDEN Emma D. Dryden founded drydenbks LLC (, a premiere children’s editorial a publishing consultancy firm, after 25 years experience as editor and publisher of Margaret K. McElderry Books and Atheneum Books for Young Readers, imprints of Simon a Schuster Children’s Publishing. We are thrilled to bring you her expertise on setting and world building in this month's interview. We talk about: The best way to help your reader feel like they’re in your world without “telling” and creating prolonged descriptions. Great metaphors for emotions (and a way to show not tell). How to avoid cliched characters. What to do when readers tell you they’re not believing your character. The biggest mistakes Emma often sees when people are trying to set the stage. Get a FREE peek into Writers' Block here: