6th and Jump: 11. Next Generation
Sorry for the delay, my computer crashed. We'll never leave you. Hanson involves himself in homosexual innuendo and Penhall gets tricked into watching an ugly baby. The guys read fan emails at the top of every episode. If you'd like to submit facts, questions or fan art email: 6thandjumppodcast@gmail.com Watch the 21 Jump Street episode "Next Generation" here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cR97hqokhbcat=1859s Merch now available! http://remember2behappy.com/shop Meet us in the chapel at 6th a Jump. Intro graphic by Tanner Williams - @lilkinky69 Theme song by Pepper Goins - @PepperCutsGrass and The Rushmore Podcast Production by Becky Rodriguez - @humanplac3s