6th and Jump: 10. Blindsided
When a pretty young girl wants her father murdered, it piques the interest of Tom Hanson. A sex crime, you say? Don't worry baby, you're still attractive - maybe even more so now that we know. Watch the 21 Jump Street episode here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHwdz4W2wwsalist=PLFtpZ659RpvH3PMOFzO5AyOS-oZxViiNzaindex=9 Meet us in the chapel at 6th a Jump. Intro graphic by Tanner Williams - @lilkinky69 Theme song by Pepper Goins - @PepperCutsGrass and The Rushmore Podcast Thumbnails by Chris Cheney - @notthatcheney Production by Becky Rodriguez - @humanplac3s