08. Gotta Finish the Riff
The show gets dark. The chapel crew almost refuse to continue. But the criminals are still out there, refusing to follow the law. How will the show go on without their beloved boss? Watch the 21 Jump Street episode here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nT8EJBwcGu8alist=PLFtpZ659RpvH3PMOFzO5AyOS-oZxViiNzaindex=7 Meet us in the chapel at 6th a Jump. Intro graphic by Tanner Williams - @lilkinky69 Theme song by Pepper Goins - @PepperCutsGrass and The Rushmore Podcast Thumbnails by Chris Cheney - @notthatcheney Production by Becky Rodriguez - @humanplac3s