Surprise Waxing Gibbous: My new book YOU ARE AWESOME launches today!
Happy waxing gibbous! What does that mean? Well, it's not a new moon, and it's not a full moon, and in between is the waxing gibbous moon. Waxing means getting bigger. Waning means getting smaller. So as the gibbous waxes today on November 5th, 2019, I wanted to send a special short little “book launch” podcast for my brand new book which launches everywhere today! YOU ARE AWESOME: How To Navigate Change, Wrestle With Failure, And Live An Intentional Life is a 288-page hardcover from Simon a Schuster which offers a smacking takedown of our never-good-enough cell-phone culture and helps us develop resilience to shift from: change-resistant to change-ready failure-prone to failure-proof thin-skinned to thick-skinned and anxious to AWESOME Order it now: And I’d love to see you on book tour!