How Far Would You Go For Your Sibling?
Welcome to Mostly Lit! - Based on Oyinkan Braithwaite's book: 'My Sister The Serial Killer' we ask: How far would you go for you siblings? For Mostly Flix, we discuss Jordan Peele's 'US' (Spoiler Alert!) as we try to find the layers beneath the surface of the film. - Book: My Sister The Serial Killer - Oyinkan Braithwaite Film: 'Us' - Dir. Jordan Peele Starring: Lupita N'yongo, Winston Duke - Booklist: A Little Life - Hanna Yannagihara Bad Feminist - Roxanne Gay Intro Music by: @StuffDeejSays ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get involved! - Don't forget to tweet us your thoughts on the episode and send us an email for Culture Questions! - Rate and review us on iTunes, Acast, Spotify, Soundcloud and YouTube! - Follow and message us on: Twitter - @mostlylit Instagram - @mostlylitpod YouTube - Email - Website: See for privacy and opt-out information.