Ep.40: Game of Thrones - 805 - The Small Council
It's Daenerys Day on the Shat on TV Small Council. This week's "Game of Thrones" listeners rained down fiery emails and voicemails about the massacre at King's Landing and how it might all be Jon Snow's fault. Your messages were pretty evenly split on whether you loved or hated Season 8, Episode 5 "The Bells," and we snagged a strong sampling of each for this extended-length podcast. Dr. Ashley Schlafly of "The Dana Buckler Show" dives even deeper into Gene Lyons' character arc primer, and U.S. Air Force pilot Fatso explains Drogon's atomic romp through the Westerosi capital. Other topics in this edition: Was Cersei death worthy of her character? Race in "A Game of Thrones" Sansa's reaction to her rape and torture Ser Davos' upbringing How much fire does a dragon have? Cleganebowl Arya's mystery horse Who will sit on the Iron Throne? Will history repeat itself, or is The Wheel actually broken? Read All Small Council Emailshttps://shatontv.com/category/game-of-thrones-small-council/ Read Emails Read on the Podcasthttps://shatontv.com/tag/small-council-read/ Help Support the Podcast Support with Paypal - https://shatontv.com/paypal Support With Venmo – https://venmo.com/ShatPodcasts Shop Amazon With Our Affiliate Link - https://www.amazon.com/?tag=shatmovies-20 Sponsor's Listener Survey - http://shatthemovies.com/survey Leave an iTunes Review - https://shatontv.com/game-of-thrones-review Leave a Voicemail - (914) 719-SHAT - (914) 719-7428 Feeds a Social Media - https://shatontv.com/subscribe-and-follow/ Checkout our Movie Podcast - http://shatthemovies.com Theme Song - "Seven Nation Army (Epic Orchestral Cover)" - Ciaran Burch