Ep.34: Game of Thrones - 803 - The Small Council
"The Long Night" didn't mark the end of mankind, and it didn't kill half the cast, but this 82-minute TV milestone whisked us from fear, to hope, to dread, to triumph. Was it Game of Thrones' crowning achievement or a sign HBO has lost its nerve? Listeners wrote in and called in to argue both sides. We read through more than 180 emails and listened to more than a dozen calls to curate this expanded edition of the Small Council listener mail pod. Game of Thrones fans debate plot armor, Arya's destiny, what will happen next, Lyanna Mormont's death, Mellisandre's refusal to pop more smoke monsters, Jon's intelligence, whether Tyrion and Sansa will rule, and much more. Plus, get a full Battle of Winterfell report from an actual fighter pilot (he even awarded medals) and hear from our podcast's first sponsor: Listwak a Listwak - Fantasy Lawyers. Read All Small Council Emailshttps://shatontv.com/category/game-of-thrones-small-council/ Read Emails Read on the Podcasthttps://shatontv.com/tag/small-council-read/ Read Full: THE BATTLE OF WINTERFELL: A TACTICAL ANALYSIShttps://www.wired.com/story/game-of-thrones-winterfell-battle-tactical-analysis/ Read Full: Game Of Thrones The Siege Of Winterfell: A Military Strategist Takes A Lookhttps://www.forces.net/military-life/fun/game-thrones-siege-winterfell-military-strategist-takes-look Help Support the Podcast Support with Paypal - https://shatontv.com/paypal Support With Venmo – https://venmo.com/ShatPodcasts Shop Amazon With Our Affiliate Link - https://www.amazon.com/?tag=shatmovies-20 Sponsor's Listener Survey - http://shatthemovies.com/survey Leave an iTunes Review - https://shatontv.com/game-of-thrones-review Leave a Voicemail - (914) 719-SHAT - (914) 719-7428 Feeds a Social Media - https://shatontv.com/subscribe-and-follow/ Checkout our Movie Podcast - http://shatthemovies.com Theme Song - "Seven Nation Army (Epic Orchestral Cover)" - Ciaran Burch