18 ARR RAW: Younger Riders, Road Gems & Dying of Embarassment
We put it to our listeners to let us know what questions they had for the panel on ARR RAW. What a fantastic response we got, so many questions that it isn't possible to answer them all in this one episode. So, we chose a few and asked Grant, Graham, Sam, Shirley and Brian for their input.
In this episode we discuss what we're noticing about younger travellers, what's the most interesting or useful item found on the road, destination gems and impressive places discovered, resolving dental emergencies, most embarrassing motorcycle travel stories and luxury items you just can't leave home without.
Sam Manicom - Author of motorcycle adventure books: Into Africa, Under Asian Skies, Distant Suns & Tortillas to Totems - www.sam-manicom.com
**Tortillas to Totems Audio Book: http://www.sam-manicom.com/tortillas-to-totems/tortillas-to-totems-audio-book/#.WRNadFPyveQ
Grant Johnson - Horizons Unlimited - THE premier source for information on motorcycle and overland adventure travel since 1997. www.horizunsunlimited.com
HU Events: http://www.HorizonsUnlimited.com/events
Achievable Dream Online: https://vimeo.com/horizonsunlimited **Enter the Horizons Unlimited Calendar Contest for 2018 here: http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/events/2016-photo-contest-2018-calendar
Graham Field - Author of motorcycle adventure books: In Search of Greener Grass, Ureka & Different Natures - http://grahamfield.co.uk/
**In Search of Greener Grass is now available in the United States. You can get it through Road Dog Publications: http://www.roaddogpub.com/
Shirley Hardy Rix & Brian Rix - Authors of motorcycle adventure books: Two for the Road, Circle to Circle & The Long Way to Vladivostok - www.aussiesoverland.com.au