ARR RAW Episode 2: Bribes, Bling and Medical Coverage for Travellers
Episode 2 Topics: Bribes
- The pros and cons of paying bribes, dangers and more.
- Tips on how to deal with a demand for bribes and ways to wiggle through without emptying your wallet.
- Does Bling or fancy expensive gear make people treat you differently when traveling.
- Will your gear affect border crossings?
- Do officials charge you more when they see a high priced bike and gear?
- What Medical coverage do you NEED if any.
- Pitfalls to avoid when buying medical coverage and some questions you NEED to ask before you buy any MED insurance.
- Can you trust foreign hospitals?
- How to determine which hospital is higher quality.
- Which type of hotel to check into if you are ill.
Graham Field -
Grant Johnson -
Shirley Hardy-Rix, Brian Rix -
Sam Manicom -
Adventure Rider Radio RAW -