Ep.8: True Detective - 305 - If You Have Ghosts
Episode 5 shocked "True Detective" fans by taking Season 3 back to the quality and power of Season 1 without stealing too much from the HBO series' origins. We review startling scenes, including The Woodard Altercation, The Press Conference, Julie's Phone Call, and The Porch Talk. Is Wayne a horrible man who's veneer is beginning to crack? Or should we sympathize with a troubled veteran burdened with the sins and shortcomings of those around him? Maybe both. What happened to officer Harris James? Was he the man Wayne Hays and Roland West alluded to killing? Or was it Tom Purcell? Big D, King Bee, and Gene Lyons piece it all together. Plus, listeners write in to The Watch with their views on the Hoyt Foods connection, ghosts vs. memories, Roland's sexuality, and more. Help Support the Podcast Shop Amazon With Our Free Affiliate Link:https://www.amazon.com/?tag=shatmovies-20 Take the Sponsor Survey:https://survey.libsyn.com/shatontv Leave a Voicemail:(914) 719-SHAT – (914) 719-7428 Donate with Paypal:https://shatontv.com/paypal Subscribe to our Feeds a Follow us on Social Media:https://shatontv.com/subscribe-and-follow/ Check out our Movie Podcast:http://shatthemovies.com Tags: True Detective, True Detective TV Series, True Detective Theories, True Detective Spoilers, True Detective Series, True Detective Review, True Detective Recap, True Detective Questions, True Detective podcast, True Detective 2016, TV Series, TV Podcast, Shat The Movies, Shat On TV, Mystery, HBO True Detective, HBO Series, HBO Podcast, Game of Thrones