DTTP 007: One Key Thing That Could Change Your Life And Trading w/ Yvan Byeajee
Yvan Byeajee has been an active stock trader for the past 8 years. His long-lasting interest and fascination for the financial world made him stick to trading in spite of his rough start. Check out the show notes by clicking here He shares one thing that made his success and that can improve anyone's life in his opinion. That thing is meditation. It could be a game changer for you. Here are things covered in the podcast: Yvan's rough start in trading What lesson Yvan extracts from his failures How meditation changed Yvan's life What traders must do to manage their thoughts What habits are key to Yvan's success Why emotional control is a myth And much more… DesireToTRADE is blog where aspiring traders can learn to become the best trader they can be. Through articles and videos on the mind, trading psychology, general trading tips, and success, we want to make sure that you have everything set in your path to success in Forex trading. Get Your Free Forex Trading eBook: How To Develop Your Own Trading Strategy If you've enjoyed the show: =g Please leave us a review! Simply click here.