Tales to Terrify 195 Rex Reverman Watt
Coming Up Good Evening: 00:38 Joshua Rex’s The Black Skeleton as read by Steven Thomas Howell: 04:19 Benjamin Reverman’s Interrupted Dinner as read by Wilson Fowlie: 16:54 D. P. Watt’s The Comrade as read by Colin Clews: 23:48 Pleasant Dreams: 42:27 Pertinent Links Bladenboro Fire Poltergeist: http://boards.ancestry.com/localities.northam.usa.states.northcarolina.counties.bladen/1717/mb.ashx Joshua Rex: http://joshuarex.com D. P. Watt: http://www.theinterludehouse.co.uk/ Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/talestoterrify. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.