Tales To Terrify 168 Dunham Brazill Hemphill
Coming Up: Good Evening: 00:37 T. Fox Dunham’s The Missing Ingredient: 02:22 Paul D Brazill’s The Tut: 11:56 JC Hemphill’s Cheating the Shroud: 19:38 Pleasant Dreams: 33:06 Pertinent Links: T. Fox Dunham: http://tfoxdunham.com Veronica Giguere: http://www.dawningsky.com Paul D Brazill: http://pauldbrazill.com JC Hemphill: http://jchemphill.blogspot.com Stephen Kilpatrick: http://stevenski.com Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/talestoterrify. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.